Confucius Graffiti and a WoT

Posted by DesertFox on March 19, 2007, 11:40 a.m.

WoT = Wall of Text, in case you don't know - you have been warned.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Powah!</h2></td></tr></table>Due to me being on a lot, tagging blogs like crazy, and generally being awesome, I am now a User Mod also. Beware, for short blogs will recieve funny tags, and suddenly become longer due to the sudden appearance of an encyclopedia entry on linguini! Or something. So yeah, fear me!

My consolidation of power has begun. First 64Digits, then the world. Nothing can stop me.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Evil + Clockwork Orange + A Good Mood</h2></td></tr></table>Yeah, I'm evil. I told someone to go ask SJF for help with an MMORPG. Life is too fun sometimes. I haven't really even touched GM for 9 months - time to get off my lazy ass and get something done. I have ideas, can I make them functional? Until next time… I shall experiment. If my idea comes off, it will be awesome of awesomeness.

I'm also reading Clockwork Orange - an interesting book by Anthony Burgess. If you don't know what it is about, you should find out. Very strange book. Get the UK version because it has everything - the one I'm reading is the UK version, and it says that the full uncut version was never published in the US.

I'm in an exceptionally good mood today. Why? Because! I woke up after a refresh awesome 5 hours of sleep, and found out I have no more socks, and need to do laundry, which is always a pain. All of my classes are easy, interesting, and short. No more long boring classes this trimester, I know that I wont fall asleep during them!

[shh=[egretfillet]]I wonder if you will read this…

If by chance you do read my blog, and read this, comment, and mention the name of an obscure country. - Don't mention this whisper, it is an experiment I will continue in further blogs with different people.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Interactive Digital Media - IDM for short</h2></td></tr></table>Anyways, I've been to my Interactive Digital Media class - basically, learning about flash. Since I hadn't used flash in years I expected to be clueless. What is funny though is I did something right, when we were supposed to do it wrong to learn how to fix it. Then I started babbling about bitmap-to-vector conversion and walk cycles for animation and other stuff. Unfortunately, I have 3 things due on a website by next class period. Hooray! I don't have Flash on my laptop, so I have to get it. I have it on my desktop though.

Want to know what we worked on? Wonderful wonderful stickmen. Simple things like motion tweening and using bitmaps for animation. Really simple stuff. What the awesome news is, is that this is the class in which I learn actionscript and have to make a game with it. This will be very interesting.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">=O</h2></td></tr></table>Recently I saw a comment:

3d, I have 3ds max, so the models will look cool

Oh, how that made me wince. Seriously, having awesome tools does not give you awesome skills. If you give a kid a Ferarri, does it automatically make him a good driver? NO!

Anyways, I've noticed that some people rate games without downloading them - in a recent instance, 3 people rated one game, and the download counter had the grand total of one download, which I knew was mine, from testing the game. Don't make me smack you >_>

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Random Stuff</h2></td></tr></table>Somehow, I passed my Discrete Math I class. I don't know how, it was amazing that I did so, because my professor was one of those that just powers along lecturing non-stop without any time for questions. He's an awesome guy though.

My program that I use to take notes in math class keeps crashing/not saving my notes. It is irritating, typing 3 pages of math notes and saving only to find that it didn't save - then you have to write what you can remember and call the prof over to check that you got it done right. At least the class is easy - Discrete Mathematics for Technologists II is a hell of a lot easier than Discrete I - ironic, no?

My friend that I worked on the Java Jeopardy Online game with for Prog III class, she is in my IDM class - I want to ask her out some time soon. She is so nice, she is easy to talk to and she smiles a lot. I don't know if she is going out with someone though. Another of my previous teammembers is also in the same class. Its funny, we are grouping together again, us, the International Team. We had someone from:





and me - from North Carolina, California, Texas, and Papua New Guinea

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Confucius and My Knee, as well as Tuna</h2></td></tr></table>I've noticed that someone here at RIT is writing proverbs and quotes on the bathroom walls. You walk in and *bam* something by Confucius! Or Einstein, or someone else. Very different from the usual disproportionate anatomical diagrams.

My knee is killing me today. I woke up and it just hurts - I guess it is just one of those days. I'm also very hungry - I want some tuna, and I shall get some, even if it is the kind with the little green specks of unknown plant matter that they sometimes put in. I want tuna, I will have tuna. I demand it! For breakfast, I had Mountain Dew, and a candy bar. That is why I want tuna.

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">Why You Should Go To RIT</h2></td></tr></table>I want to talk about college, and how awesome it is - all of you looking into technical field with computers or something, look at RIT - RIT is awesome, I'm at RIT, and there are thousands of computer-savvy people. EGS every week - basically, a console party, every week, like clockwork. Also, a movie every week in Ingle Auditorium, as well as general awesomeness. The people here are great, and 1 out of 15 people here are deaf or hard of hearing, so they have special stuff for that. Also, 1 out of 15 people are international, which is very interesting. There are more bricks at RIT than there are stones in the Great Wall of China (or so they say).

<table width=100%><tr><td style="background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll 0%; width:100%; height: 24px;"><h2 style="color:black">More on Max Payne</h2></td></tr></table>More on Max Payne, simply put it is one of the best shooter games I have ever played - although it can be sadistically hard if things go wrong. Such things as, finishing a level with no painkillers, and a smidge of health left. Like I did. So I have to chase this guy, while other guys pop out and shoot at me with Dual Ingall SMGs, and if I get hit even a few times, I always die. The good thing is, I can survive one hit, as long as it is not my head, and if you have below a certain level of health, you automatically heal slowly to a certain point - definitely something to save my life. It is still horribly hard, because there are no checkpoints, only chapters. I love bullettime though - that makes Max Payne incredibly awesome. You can leap into a room, doing a barrel roll to see if there are any enemies, and nail them with a headshot or shotgun blast if there are.

The junkies are hideously annoying though. They are stronger than normal people, and they sit there and moan. You can leave them alone, or kill them. I always kill them, because they are hazards in a gunfight - if they get hurt, they start attacking you with guns, and that gets annoying. They do however make a really funny death scream.

<p align=center><img src='' width=640 height=480</img></p>


Jaakko 17 years, 7 months ago

Papua New Guinea!!!