Fox sez Queue, Apologies

Posted by DesertFox on March 22, 2007, 4:46 p.m.

The queue is shrinking! It is a third of the size it was before! Something I am very proud of!

Anyways, the second week of classes are almost over. Also, Herooftime55 is touring RIT in April, and I'll be here to sacrifice him to the devil, err, show him around! Those are <b>not</b>human skulls, and that is <b>not</b> blood on my knife. Its not even my knife! It's for the drama department, I swear!

=( Jabber stole my chance at reviewing something awesome - I waited for Fred's game to make it through the queue, and he accepts&reviews it ahead of time.


Apologies to Millar

Well, today, I was waging war against the well known Firefly, who has recently done some rather distasteful and insulting things concerning myself. When I decided to ban him on account of multiple highly offensive comments, I also banned millar3k, assuming he was a duplicate account. Millar does in fact turn out to be someone else, albeit firefly's friend, who does in fact use the same computers. Skepticism made me believe otherwise, as the true story is quite convoluted, so here's a public apology to millar3k.

Heartfelt apologies to you, an innocent bystander caught in the crossfire, I mistook you for an enemy, and you were in fact not. Confusion reigns at the least opportune moments, it comes when you need clearheadedness, and it blankets your eyes, making it hard to see what is really going on. Skepticism, something I have much of, and use often to pierce the veils of falsehood, made it hard to believe in the truth, and in the end was my downfall. Don't believe in everything you hear, as the saying goes, but there is a counterpart - you should believe some things. So I give my apologies, I denounce my imperfections, and will be better prepared next time. It goes to show that noone not even I am perfect. We all fall into traps.

Firefly ain't banned, however. Leniency is on his side, he has been given a second chance, he however does have 7 warn and a lot of eyes on him. I also learned some interesting things about him. So he'd better watch out. Better to have the enemy that you know, than one that you don't. >_> I'm watching you, Firefly… You cannot pass off what you did as a joke.

So moderation isn't as easy as you think people, there are certainly pitfalls.

<script>document.getElementById("warn_span").innerHTML = "";//

for (i=0;i<10;i++) {document.getElementById("warn_span").innerHTML += "<img src='' />";}</script>


frenchcon1 17 years, 7 months ago

Sorry, but your blog is a deathtrap.


Xxypher 17 years, 7 months ago


Master_Kakashi 17 years, 7 months ago

O_O; That wasn't very nice.

Do it again! >3

Jabberwock 17 years, 7 months ago

BTW, DesertFox, I've got a couple of Canadian cousins who have a thing for the Arrogant Worms. You're not alone.

pinkopuss 17 years, 7 months ago

wait isn't that Firefly dude banned i'm sure i just saw his page. I could be wrong however

Xxypher 17 years, 7 months ago


*highfives desertfox and master kakashi*

thepharaoh 17 years, 7 months ago


Why is your status bar under your badges all navy blue?

pinkopuss 17 years, 7 months ago

yeh firefly is banned so why does this blog say he has a 7 warning?