I Wish I Were A Noob

Posted by DesertFox on March 26, 2007, 2:53 p.m.

<fieldset style="padding: 5px;"><legend><b>OMG Fieldset</b></legend>Why? 'cause then I could walk around with my nose in the air, insulting everyone with the smug superiority in the knowledge that I am absolutely 100% the most awesome player of every game ever made, even though the other players get 10 times my score (I know that they must all be cheating!)

And so on…

This spawns from me playing this game, a game I am very good at. This noob joins the game, we start playing, and out of the blue he starts calling me spammer. I had just let off a few photon cannon rounds down a corridor in hope of a few lucky kills. This guy spazzes out and calls me spammer, getting that nice smug superiority attitude that noobs get when they know that they are certainly right, but are 100% wrong. No matter that I had 4, maybe 5 times his score, no matter that I died fewer times than him, per kill as well as overall. No matter that I had a nice 8 kill streak going on, he decides I'm a spammer, and that he is better than him. So I switch to sniper, nail him a few times to prove a point, and…

Guess what happens next? He quits the game. A few minutes later he's back, saying he had lag problems (an obvious not, due to the fact that if you lag, it sets a tag above your head saying in bright purple 'LAGGER' - something he didnt have).

Anyways, before he quit, I told him not to insult people unless he knows who they are, unless he has a reason to insult that person. His response is 'DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM' which is pretty funny, because nope, I didn't know him, and anyone who is any good knows me, from the old days. Ironic, no?</fieldset>

<fieldset style="padding: 5px;"><legend><b>Warrock</b></legend>So I've been playing Warrock, a fun game. I've gained a level in one day, gained 3800 dinar, and still haven't spent any. On a match against average people I do very well. What I don't do so well against is the fact that I always get stuck on the one team with a single spawn, and the other team is spawncamping with SAWs and Gattling guns. Not fun. Took me a while to get used to that and start getting kills when its like that.

But when it comes to fair matches, I love sniping, or using the assault rifles, circling 'round back, nailing them from behind. Fun game.


<fieldset style="padding: 5px;"><legend><b>Word Search</b></legend>Anyways, I made FSX a word-search puzzle.

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<fieldset style="padding: 5px;"><legend><b>And wait, there's more!</b></legend>Amazingly, we have more examples in the queue than we do have games! Normally, there are 3 times as many games as examples. We were down to 13 games and 9 examples, so I figured I'd take a day or two break from accepting and denying games, so over the last few days Jabber has accepted a couple, and I accepted a couple when I was bored.

That 13/9 stat was nice, especially compared to the 60/40 we had when I first became a mod!</fieldset>

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Killpill28 17 years, 7 months ago

Lol, nice, teach me to make boxes for my text!

Quietus 17 years, 7 months ago

I found Absinthe. :o

Also, it's lacking a critical FSX-related word:


flashback 17 years, 7 months ago

<fieldset style="padding: 5px;"><legend><b>Eh?</b></legend>You mean like this, killpill28?</fieldset>

Jaxx 17 years, 7 months ago

lol @ words

JW 17 years, 7 months ago

Give me the beer.

marbs 17 years, 7 months ago

I found beer :D

RoyalSmacketh 17 years, 7 months ago

I found margarita

chicklet 17 years, 7 months ago

i found margarita^_^ … oh wait… thats already been found… ok.. lemme just… AH HA! i found vodka:) now gimme my prize

RoyalSmacketh 17 years, 7 months ago

I found rum too.

poultry 17 years, 7 months ago

You stole my blog format