So what have I been doing?

Posted by DesertFox on April 6, 2007, 5:20 p.m.

I've been working on something. I've revived an old project I didn't tell anyone about. You may have seen the main character's sprite, a sweet little animation, well shaded, smooth walk, pure awesomeness. So I've revived that project, and started working on it. I've got some nice ambience going on, little frogs for swamps and stuff, birds that fly away when you get near, etc. I won't say anything about the storyline until I'm sure of solidity. =P

<table width=100%><tr><td width=160px>So I decided to up and make a simple light engine for ambience, and voila! Simple lights, supports colored lights, static and dynamic lights (100000 static lights runs as fast as 1 static light omg yay!) Messing with surfaces and blend modes turned out to be quite a pain in the ass, but it turned out very well.</td>

<td>Anyways, so lots of dancing moving lights are fun to watch, then I decided to mesh my swing/pendulum example with lights and created a nice ambience type thing of one of those old type of ceiling lamps, the ones stereotypically put in interrogation rooms, the ones that swing at the slightest touch.</td></tr></table>

<table width=100%><tr><td>The effect was quite nice, and once I have something awesomely releaseable, I'll do so. Meaning, at least something that lasts more than 5 minutes. If enough of you want me to, I'll release the lighting engine. There are better ones out there, without a doubt, but I've found almost all rely on using objects that inherit from parent obj_light_parent or such, so you can't just draw a light somewhere. Mine can =P You can call drawing a light just like you can with drawing any sprite.</td>

<td width=160px>So enough about my lighting engine which sprung out of nowhere since yesterday night. I've been lazy with the queue lately, it's been a long week, too many classes and too much work. That, and I've been playing random games of awesomeness. Deus Ex, Max Payne, GTA San Andreas, Flatout 2, Farcry.</td></tr></table>

So what have I been doing? Playing Deus Ex at 1/10th the normal speed! WTF, you may say, and say it I have done myself. See, for an unknown reason, when I start Deus Ex, it doesn't always run at the same gamespeed. I'm not talking about frames per second, I'm talking gamespeed. As in it takes 10 times longer to walk from point A to point B, its like uber-matrix slomo. I still have normal aiming speed though, so I can just run past enemies, leaping by the m and headshot someone running while I'm in midair. This slomo thing doesn't always happen though. Sometimes it does the opposite, and the gamespeed is higher. For example, last night, it was running 10x normal speed, everything happened so fast, it was impossible to kill anyone.

Anyways, playing a game at weird speeds for any amount of time has weird effects on you.

<table width=100%><tr><td>Slow Effects<br>The effects of playing at 1/10th normal gamespeed for several hours was really noticeable and disorienting. When I got up and walked around, it felt so funny. I felt really relaxed, really slow. I walked like a quarter as fast as I normally walk, even when I opened my door I did it really slowly. I had an abysmally slow reaction time when I went to play smash brothers with a friend, and I kind of just stood on the side of the screen, walking in (yes walking in Smash) and attacking someone every 10 seconds, mostly just standing there. I played as Luigi, and I didn't do much attacking at all, all my attacks were done to early, and I missed most of the time. On the other hand, I was uber-relaxed, and everyone else was having hell trying to hit me, because Luigi is perfect for when you are relaxed - he floats around awesomely. So after playing Deus Ex at 1/10th gamespeed, everything felt really relaxed and slow, it was like 'Duuuuuuude……..' those turtles in Finding Nemo</td><td>Fast Effects<br>On the other hand, after playing the game at uber-high gamespeed, I felt normal. A little twitchy though, and I tried to move too fast. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I almost hit them in the face. Aside from that, I felt pretty normal. *shrugs*</td></tr></table>

<p align=center>Random Car from Flatout 2<br><img src=''></p>

So thus ends my blog.


sk8m8trix 17 years, 6 months ago

So is this blog is Chinese or Japanese?

WaleedAmer 17 years, 6 months ago

It's Kazakhstanese.

Rob 17 years, 6 months ago



Kenon 17 years, 6 months ago

Actually, The blog is in Foxenese.

shawn 17 years, 6 months ago

I'm afraid to inform you that it is french.

sk8m8trix 17 years, 6 months ago

French? *laughs uncontrollably* SURRENDER BLOG! FOR WE HAVE A FIRECRACKER!

TwistyWristy 17 years, 6 months ago

I've done that before with my siblings, played a multiplayer game at twice the speed (there was a button for it.)

When we switched back to normal, everything was so sloooow, so easy to dodge…


chiggerfruit 17 years, 6 months ago

That's said… so far 1/8 of the comments actually had to do with the content.

I would get so pissed playing something at 1/10 of the speed. I'm an impatient kind of guy. SSBM should have a double or triple speed option just for kicks and see if you could physically take it.

FireflyX 17 years, 6 months ago

project sounds good, and as for the blog layout WTF is up with that?! Anyway DF read my latest blog it is an apology which i think i owe you.

s 17 years, 6 months ago

Ya,I must also add that this layput makes this dreadful