Game Acceptance FAQ

Posted by DesertFox on April 12, 2007, 6:22 p.m.

Here's how to better your chances of getting a game/example accepted:

<b>Under construction</b>

First off, these things are no longer accepted, and are grounds for instant denial except under special circumstances (a bribe, for example):

*Resource-pack sprites

*Example edits

*Installers (unless you are well known and trustable, like FredFrederickson, or Omicron1)

*Immediate errors upon runtime

These items are not allowed under any circumstances at all, and can result in warn:

*Non-GM items

*The work is not your own



I am not out to get you. If I deny your game, it is not because I don't like you. It is for some other reason.

Don't submit work not your own. Submission of work that isn't yours, without due credit and permission results in <i>at least</i> a hefty +4 warn. If you are using their engine and posted a barely edited version, or especially if you are simply claiming someone else's work as your own, you get warned.

The standards in general are lower for things without a preview pic - if your game isn't exactly very good, submit it without a preview. If I see something without a preview that I think deserves to be on the frontpage, I'll give it a preview. The opposite is true too. I can and will remove preview pics if I feel it isn't frontpage material.

Preview pics <i>have</i> to be relevant. Solid color preview pics are removed. Irrelevant preview pics are removed. Irritating preview pics are removed.

Another thing is double check your zip file before posting. Nobody likes downloading 3 mB at 20kbps only to find that the zip is corrupted.

Don't submit like 5 examples at once. First off this shows that you probably didn't spend much time on them. Second off, people like having examples by a variety of people, and so some will be held in-queue for a while to spread them out.

Polish is key - that extra little effort can make the difference between 'oh great another one of these' and 'wow that was cool'

I may deny a game for no other reason than that it sucks.


Games should have at least a couple of minutes of gameplay. If I feel that it isn't worth the download, then chances are it will be denied. Many games get denied because I run the game, and I'm more interested in watching paint dry. Its nice that you are making a game, but stop and remember the law of necessary bias:

<i>As the creator of the game, you are necessarily biased in its favor, you will always think it is better than it is.</i>

An intro can be your best friend. It shows that you put effort into it. Also, a nice menu goes a long way into making a game look good. After all, a menu is generally the first thing you see after the splashscreen, and it is how you navigate, too. Don't make the menu too complicated though, because then it becomes a maze, inhibiting the user.

Clearly define your controls somewhere. I cannot stress this enough. There is nothing more irritating than a game that you simple cannot play because the controls are not explained. Nobody likes having to hunt around the keyboard at random mashing buttons in the hope of figuring out that the letter 'F' makes the character jump. Preferably do this somewhere in-game, but also defining them in the game topic is very helpful too.

WIPs need to be demos. A tech-demo is different. A tech-demo has no gameplay, it exists to show basics like running and jumping, and they are generally very boring.


Originality is king for getting examples accepted. If its something I've never seen before, I'll probably accept it. On the other hand, if it is something like 'basic platformer example' or 'particle example' which has been done a billion times before, it will probably be denied unless it is really nicely done.

Examples should be exactly that - examples. An example is useless if I can't use it. Comment your code, make it easy to read. Explain what you are doing, and then do it.

If something makes me go 'oh that was neat' I may accept it no matter how useless it actually is.

DnD is very rarely if ever accepted for an example.

Make the example interesting. If possibly, provide the example, and then along with the 'how to do this' bit, also show how it could be used in-game. Such as if you are making something like a homing AI, make a little minigame to play that shows how to implement your example. An example is useless if you cannot implement it.


Cesque 17 years, 6 months ago

I, for one, support the high selective criteria of 64Digits.

abacus 17 years, 6 months ago

Preview pics have to be relevant. Solid color preview pics are removed. Irrelevant preview pics are removed. Irritating preview pics are removed.

What does that mena? for instance, do you have to have a screenshot or othr, or cna you (like me) have a solid color pic with the game name on it (I personally din that eye-catching and, as it stands out, gets more hits, plus it tells people the name so they say, "oh, AotE, i love that game, updates r leet!")

TwistyWristy 17 years, 6 months ago

Are examples something you're supposed to copy paste or are they something that you should learn from so you can do it on your own?

I've always thought of examples as being something you can look at, copy and paste to your program etc. while tutorials would be what you learned from so you can do it on your own.


…I can and will remove preview pics if I feel it isn't frontpage material…

The conclusion I'm drawing, is that the preview pictures are front page; it was good enough to get up to the 'trophy display' and it needs to look like it.

A random guest should be able to come to the site, and get excited just because of the preview picture.


mazimadu 17 years, 6 months ago

With this in mind, I will remake the flash player example. No, wait, I dont think so. Anyone with a brain can do it. It's just a browser anyway.

Snakeman 17 years, 6 months ago

I like how you used the word hefty. XD

Jesper 17 years, 6 months ago

Don't write so long blogs… Just throw a watermelon of a building [:D]!

Nighthawk 17 years, 6 months ago

I did not know non-GM items weren't allowed, hmmm, interesting… [:P]

MuZzLe 17 years, 6 months ago

hay coo logo ^__________________________^

However I think the right fox should be angry >:(

elmernite 17 years, 6 months ago

What's the rule on re-submitting wips?

Can you resubmit, or do you have to just update the old. (If you update the old is there anyway to get frontpage again?)


DesertFox 17 years, 6 months ago

If there is sufficient change from the old version (and sufficient time gap) you can resubmit.