Master of Disaster =O

Posted by DesertFox on April 26, 2007, 8:46 p.m.

Well, I've been doing actionscript lately, its easy as pie. Or cake. Or even both! So what have I been doing in flash? Well, for a final grade, I have to make a playable game in flash. Meaning I could do Asteroids for an easy 100 - but do I want to sit there and make an Asteroids clone like everybody else?

So far, I've looked at what everybody else is making. Guess what - I've found Space Invaders, Asteroids, Lunar Defender, all those good old Atari favorites. Nobody is making anything complex.

Except me.

What am I making? I am making a wonderful, awesome, beautiful platformer/shooter, with an (hope to be) awesome node-based AI. So far, I've got a movement system up, as well as shooting. Nothing uber-fancy yet, but remember, I'm having to do everything myself, including the collisions (which are the default hittest right now) and a move_contact mimic. Not really all that difficult for me, but everyone else in the class wouldn't even begin to approach a platformer/shooter.

Remember, in Flash, you have to write all your methods by yourself - no built-in functions or variables like move_contact, or view_xview, or stuff - forget about move_potential_paths…

So, I present to you a V0.1 demo, with absolutely nothing to do, except run around the screen and shoot.

<b>zomg</b> If my name is something other than DesertFox, it won't load, cause it'll change the file location but not the link

<b>For all you who it don't work for:</b> - right-click, save as

<b>edit</b> Kenon fuxxed my file manager so nothing works =/

<p align=center><object width="512" height="384"><param name="flashapp" value=""><embed src="" width="512" height="384"></embed></object></align>


friiks 17 years, 5 months ago

Lol…me and 3 more guys had 46 bottles of beer today xD They all gone :(

Josea 17 years, 5 months ago

I demand you to make it shoot at mouse butten press >=(

That's quite good DF; In 9º Grade they tried to teach us how to use Flash, but we only got to really simply animation, the teachers didn't have a clue of how to use Flash.

mazimadu 17 years, 5 months ago

Can I have the source code (.fla file). I have been looking for a good platform game engine and cant find one at

panzercretin 17 years, 5 months ago

when u press play another gun is put where u last were (try it) plus is this a wip because u should of added enemies first before posting

Quietus 17 years, 5 months ago

Fox of the Desert…

… yeah…

… no.

FireflyX 17 years, 5 months ago

What's with all the name changing?

mitchbbaker 17 years, 5 months ago

odd it won;t load at all 4 me im in firefox well 2.something

meh i'll just download it

mitchbbaker 17 years, 5 months ago

odd the downloded version doesn't work either

DesertFox 17 years, 5 months ago

If you would READ you'd notice how I said my file manager is messed up so it wouldn't work.


s 17 years, 5 months ago

On the note of the FileManager,it also doesn't have the protect on it anymore