Stolen Hot Water and Glaring

Posted by DesertFox on May 7, 2007, 8:40 p.m.

Well, this morning I hopped into the shower, and there was this guy who went into the other shower (in the dorms showers are shared, 8 showers per floor) and basically mimicked every thing I did. It was really really creepy. And he stole all my hot water, too.

Anyways I'm going on a short hiatus. I've got some stuff to do here at RIT - its getting close to finals, which means fairly soon I'll be packing to go home to Texas, and getting ready for the exams, finishing projects, etc.

So I won't be as busy here as I normally am for a while. I've got a bunch on my hands right now - Actionscript projects, a few term papers, etc.

So, basically, I'll still be here, but it will be sporadic, and I won't be able to do much.


To business.

I am officially glaring at Melee because basically he thinks he's come up with the two-tier thing for elite members etc when <i>I've been suggesting it for ages.</i> Seriously, I've said something about it in every 'V3 Suggestions' newspost for aeons. Not just eons, but aeons, with extra vowel. Paragraphs, specifics, long well-drawn outlines.

I talked about it, got a few 'mmmhmmmm, sounds good' from some people, then Melee sez 'omg slimfast!' and everybody likes it.



*glares even more*


In other news, I am learning Macromedia Director, its pretty interesting.

Oh, and FSX is a cannibal. Reference:


Crane-ium 17 years, 5 months ago


What's with the screenshot of DF's page?

Well…I know the perfect thing I'm going to do for my new RPG…when you fight DF as a boss, his strongest move can be glare…hehehe…

1337 17 years, 5 months ago

17773 hits? So what?

s 17 years, 5 months ago

It was SemiRequested,so…