Busy busy busy. I leave for Texas next Friday. Woo! Its insane. Things to do, places to go, gotta store my stuff, etc.
For the last week, things have been really busy here, and this week is even worse.For instance, I've had to work like mad on Actionscript stuff. I had to scrap the entire thing I was doing for my project because I realized it didn't follow the guidelines, meaning I've had to write an entire game in actionscript from scratch in about 12 hours - everything - it has to have 15 levels, 3 difficulties, etc. I had to scrap it because it was supposed to be an arcade type game, and mine was too 'complex'.Platform shooters aren't that complex.=/That and for fun, I wrote about 700 lines of code for a point-and-click actionscript engine, and it is beautiful. Totally reusable for multiple games. =PI've also started writing my own smooth-collision code in actionscript, because suprisingly, it doesn't have any built-in smooth-collision detection methods. Only bounding boxes. That sucks, doesn't it?So I'll be busy for a while. I miss being able to get on, but in 2 weeks, I'll have the summer free.
Ya,you could just make it have no shooting and simplify the engine to make it all seem simple
The best way to give a simple vibe is with tiny sprites,I duno but thats what I thinkAnd as for being busy…well,that may be where I fail if I decide that I'm just done with it.Hope that doesn't happenAs for you,just a little more crunch time and you'll be free to do better things.Always nice when its just a short time awayoch, i cannae take this technical mumbo jumbo. ma' head jus' cannae ta'e it!