W.o.T + A New Adapter

Posted by DesertFox on June 9, 2007, 3:35 p.m.

Hoorah. I have a new adapter for my laptop, so I am now able to surf the web as I please once again, nothing to stop my rampage of sheer awesomeness, and etc.

My burn on my leg is healing, a massive burn the size of the palm of my hand, skin missing in the center the size of a quarter, general agony, etc.

I'm having to print out 2700 pages of manuals for my father for his work. He couldn't figure out how to install the printer so I did it for him. I'm getting 50$ so thats good. Its mostly sitting there doing nothing, watching the printer. Easy 50$.

Whats been going on lately? I've been out of the loop. As I said, I've had no laptop adapter. =/ Laptop adapters are expensive.

Anyways my 20k hit is approaching fast. >_> Throw me a party.

Zomg 64D going down for 5 days? Wrryyyyyyy…….

Ummmm… I'm going to play some Starcraft later. I got a job at KFC again. I'm getting a car - Buick LeSabre - for summer use. My parents randomly decided I don't have to pay them back for my laptop. I've been eating frosting burritos (frosting on a tortilla ^_^ ) I know it sounds weird but it is tasty. Mmmmm sugar rush.

Mmmm homemade mashed potatoes. Tasty items of deliciousness. I love being back home in Texas. The food here is tastier. Food in Texas naturally has more spices and more flavor. Thus, the food up in New York is bland compared to the food down here.

There's this new restaurant here in town that got set up since I was gone. Tomato's Italian and Mexican Restaurant - the have the most awesome stromboli ever. Its so delicious. So deliciously cheesy. And the sauce mmmmmmmm…. I can't wait to try their enchiladas. It must be heaven. The food here is so tasty!

Ummm….. I'm going to watch Judge Dredd in a little bit. Wheee! Then I'll watch Dawn of the Dead. Woo! Zombie movies are awesome - I can't wait for Resident Evil: Extinction to come out.

I think commercials nowadays are so stupid. The Axe Effect commercials are idiotic, and that one Direct TV commercial that uses Back to the Future, I say it is blasphemy of a classic movie. What happened to good stuff like the Budweiser frogs?

I have an interesting Tip of the Day. This is 100% real, it popped up on my computer when I ran Dev-C++.

<p align=center></p>

The old printer I'm using to print out 2700 pages, it prints so slow. I weep in horror as it throws an error and I have to restart some printing. It makes me hide my eyes, lest I gouge them out with a titanium spork from ThinkGeek.com

I've been playing Nethack on the family computer. Hoorah! The family computer is old and slooooow. I don't dare log into 64D on it, as my insane kleptomaniac mischievous brothers would wreak havoc if they got ont0 64D with my account. They'd think it funny too. =/

I think this printer needs more ink. It keeps failing to print. =/ The horror. I've gotten about 500 pages printed so far. At this rate it will take several hours. The horror.


Anything interesting happen while I was gone?

I'm hungry. I'm gonna get some chicken alfredo tastiness. Mmmmmm. Texas food is delicious. Does this count as a wall-of-text yet? No? I'll keep going.

I'm watching some movie with Chris Tucker - Money Talks - a pretty good movie. Its funny. Woo! My dad's laptop is chunky. So is my brother's. His weighs like 15 pounds - its around 2 inches thick, and older than the dinosaurs. =O Its so old it only runs Windows 3.1 (kidding) but seriously, its old, ugly, and Im glad I've got my laptop ^_^



s 17 years, 4 months ago

My printer is slow,and it can only hold like 50pages at a time

A seiged goderator account is nvr a good thing

Grip 17 years, 4 months ago


poultry 17 years, 4 months ago


OL 17 years, 4 months ago

I'm getting 50$ so thats good. Its mostly sitting there doing nothing, watching the printer. Easy 50$.

So long as you're not paying for the ink…

Jaxx 17 years, 4 months ago

Eat the pound yet? OMFG you said you would..

marbs 17 years, 4 months ago

I got that tip from Dev-C++ as well :D

poultry 17 years, 4 months ago

Ebay.com for adapters. no expeiciovies :O

poultry 17 years, 4 months ago

I've already hit 20K hits. pwn.

KaBob799 17 years, 4 months ago

Texas food is teh good

Treebasher 17 years, 4 months ago

Once I got my hands on a Windows 3.1 laptop, got a screen saver for it that looked ok, but it need to get some harware update thing first on the laptop…and after all of that it got that old chunky virus thing.