Obvious Deception

Posted by DesertFox on July 17, 2007, 9:21 p.m.


<p align=center>

Come find out what you are!</p>

I already knew that >______>

Why do these things tell you the obvious?


Sk8m8trix says:

yay 6 people on my 64 friends lis are online

Sk8m8trix says:


Sk8m8trix says:

oh wait 5

Sk8m8trix says:

I counted meself


Modeler news: I added normals =D

<p align=center></p>


Anyways, news from the GMC Front.

Maybe I babbled a bit about the 2D poly to 3D prism convertor last blog? I linked to the topic anyways, and I'm going to release it here, opensource, soon - once I make a Polygon creation kit thing.

Basically, I've been doing some nice coding, and I have another guy bothering me, saying I'm not contributing anything (I've contributed tons, him none) and he now <i>finally</i> has something to show. A polygon creator, and a polygon to 3D prism thing.

Well, looking at his creations, as well as the fact that he said it in his comment himself, mine is a lot better. Mine is opensource, whereas his is 2 GM7 EXE files. Mine is easier on the eyes, sexier, and <i>at least I coded mine all by myself</i>. As it turns out, he is using XOT's scripts to do all the work >_______> ( yeah, I knows someone with secret ubertools =D )

No wonder he doesn't want to release his source - he still hasn't removed all of the comments that shows its made by XOT. And no credit given, either.

Here's what I have so far on mine =D

Here - it obeys backface culling, and removes the triangles that you would never be able to see.

I've modified my modeler's framework I had in place for this. I also finished writing the export statement. So you can save it as a script.

I've included the previous rhombus example, as well as a more complex shape - the letter 'F' you mentioned as an example.

It reads in a *.2dp file (2D poly) of the format


[x,y]//a vertex



#oftriangles - as in a trianglelist - starts at 1, not 0


Image below:

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shawn 17 years, 3 months ago
aeron 17 years, 3 months ago

Oh… what the hell:

<img src="http://64digits.com/users/aeron/betterthanjakegmtest.gif" /><a href="http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php?showtopic=240507">Come find out what you are!</a>

OBELISK 17 years, 3 months ago

Not that hard to figure out.

Ph0x 17 years, 3 months ago
s 17 years, 3 months ago
Graydon 17 years, 3 months ago
Requiem 17 years, 3 months ago

Hey, aeron, who's this Jake-X fellow?

aeron 17 years, 3 months ago

Hell if I know.

Kenon 17 years, 3 months ago

Hit the nail on the head.

Come find out what you are!

HeroofTime55 17 years, 3 months ago