Yeah. My lawnmower caught on fire - while I was riding it. Woo! Well, technically, not on fire per se, but there was a giant cloud of white smoke large enough to encompass me and the lawnmower totally, and oh, well over 20 ft tall. Yeah. Oh, and also, <i>the lawnmower wouldn't stop!</i> I turned the key off, and it kept going >______>
And so when it finally died, I had to push it up the only hill within miles, a monster of a hill. This is a riding lawnmower. It weighs a ton. Even on a <i>flat</i> surface its hard to push. And I had to push it up a massive hill all by myself.<hr>Ah, so on the Ogame front…Kaz doesnt like me because I'm passing him up in rank, and I started playing less than 3 weeks ago.The RSE are a bunch of annoying turtles. They sit there with enormous defenses and tiny fleets, spying around for idiots who have resources and no defenses. We might go to war against them.Me, Kaz, and Bob799 are now even more awesome. We're going to help run the alliance.I just realized today is my 2 week anniversary of joining the alliance - meaning I joined 2 weeks and 4 days ago. I've grown fast =O<hr>Yeah. I know about the 500 error. No I don't know what caused it. Something about Luda and BBQ sauce.<hr>Waffles!And I made a siggy!
It overheated. The smoke was either steam from a radiator leak, or burning oil. Pray it wasn't the oil. The smoke would have been blue if it was an oil fire. When an engine is too hot, its own heat is enough to ignite the gasoline, so it no longer needs spark plugs to work. That's why it didn't shut off. Check the coolant levels, make sure the radiator ain't broke, and try again.
Riding lawnmowers FTW
What's with all the recent Ogame blogs? I was playing Ogame almost 2 years ago.
Like I said, eff you all for not being in my universe.
Excuse me, but 'LOL'
Lawnmower go BEWM!!
how do you make sigs like that?! I WANT ONE!!!
A lit Match. Oil. In the same combo.
That wont be the first time