
Posted by DesertFox on Aug. 30, 2007, 9:23 p.m.


Hello 64D! Its been a while! Well, here I am, in Rochester Sweet Rochester, New York. I am here at RIT with HeroofTime55, which is an awesome college, and if you are going to college next year, I urge you to go to RIT because it is completely awesome. Lots of computers, lots and lots of them! Free wifi, nice campus, etc.

So I headed over to Brian's room, completely pwnt him in Smash Bros, headed over to some random other people's room, pwnt them in Smash Bros, invited my friend Ian (non-64D friend) over, got pwnt in Smash Bros by him, and other random things.

In the last 30+ hours, I have only eaten a Snickers, airplane pretzels, and 2 Swedish Fish. I slept for ~12 hours after getting off the plane. I found that I am staying in a room that doesn't exist. Hmmm. More room information needed eh? Well, see, its like this. I got to the RIT Inn, went up, asked for my room. They had no record of me being placed in Temporary Housing at the Inn, and Housing did. But, interestingly enough, Housing records said that I am supposed to stay in room #200 - a room that in fact does not exist. There is no room 200 at the RIT Inn. So me and my non-existential room, it is a mess. So they stuck me in temporary-temporary housing with some random (but cool) Mech-Engineer student. So whee.

Anyways, people on airlines are assholes. It is impossible for me to fly direct to Rochester out of Texas - so instead, I always have a connecting flight. Well, the first leg of the flight got delayed for 1 1/2 hours, so the connecting flight was held for a half hour so we people heading to Rochester could get on the plane. Now, we land, and the pilot says over the intercom to stay seated unless you are heading for the connecting flight to Rochester, because we really needed to hurry.

But guess what? The entire plane empties. As I said, some people lack morals. Especially… Mr. Rich Businessman. He stands there, waiting. He waits for everyone in front of him to leave, THEN he gets his luggage. Taking his sweet time, this woman (going to Rochester, as I) confronts him. She says he should wait because he wasn't going to Rochester, and he says "So what, I don't give a shit about you or your flight, I want to get off this plane"

He was willing to make a half-dozen people miss their flight just to get off the plane a few minutes earlier. As I said, a complete, utter asshole.

Anyways, being back in Rochester is awesome, I love the weather. ^_^ Happiness!

I made a few little things recently. I'd show you but the file manager has gone bork. So yeah, I've had to upload to WHFF, and can't change my avatar. Here are mah luvely imagez!

My new avatar - the face is based on someone else's sketchwork - I converted their pencil drawing to lineart by hand, then did everything else - so 99% DesertFox Original Artwork: <p align=center><img src="http://www.willhostforfood.com/files/143725/64Davatar.png" caption="Rawr!"></p>

Flashback's new avatar - 100% authentic DesertFox Original Artwork:<p align=center><img src="http://www.willhostforfood.com/files/106563/cathaifin.png" caption="Kitteh!"></p>

A small pun:<p align=center><img src="http://www.willhostforfood.com/files/84769/BuddhismOnWheels.PNG.png" caption="Oooo shiny!"></p>

A small banner:<p align=center><img src="http://www.willhostforfood.com/files/24971/GDKP.png" caption="Kerblam!"></p>

I'm joining Cybernations and the 64D alliance there. Join!

*A reminder to newer members - this is a dictatorship, not a democracy. Our word is law. So don't be an ass.

**I've been working on a secret project, the Guns Don't Kill People banner is related.

***I've made several more pun images, and intend to create a website and stick them on.



DesertFox 17 years, 1 month ago

<h1>Join teh Cybernationz!</h1>

Or Hero will start huffing kittens.

NoodleNog 17 years, 1 month ago

Quote: PolyMan
The unicycle doesn't have any pedals.

Hehe. As stable as a leg-less unicyclist riding a unicycle with no pedals. ^_^

s 17 years, 1 month ago

if you are going to college next year, I urge you to go to RIT because it is completely awesome. Lots of computers, lots and lots of them! Free wifi, nice campus, etc.
How much money do you get for saying that?

I see your biking gang has included FlashBack with a red jean jacket,eh?

Kamira 17 years, 1 month ago

I pwn at Super smash brothers Melee.

TwistyWristy 17 years, 1 month ago

Awesome new avatars!

That fox looks so cool…


FireflyX 17 years, 1 month ago


Snakeman 17 years, 1 month ago

Still gonna be there in 2011?

a_max_j 17 years, 1 month ago

Nice pun pictures. Or whatever you want to call them. I joined Cybernations. My nation is GenericNation. Can I join the alliance?

panzercretin 17 years, 1 month ago

I wonder what animal I'd look like if DF drew me in an avatar… *hint* *hint*

JDFCP 17 years, 1 month ago