I hate fat people

Posted by DesertFox on Sept. 11, 2007, 3:50 p.m.

Not fat people in general, just the ones who use their massive bodies to shove you out of the way. Seriously, I'm waiting to get some ketchup because a few people are getting some themselves. So I wait until the guy in front of me has some, and I try and go and get some. Guess what happens. This massively fat ass shoves his way in between me and my precious tomato-based product - and not because he wanted some, but <i>because he was too lazy to walk around me</i>. So due to his massive lard, he, instead of taking 0.5 seconds more to walk around me instead of between me and the counter, almost makes me drop all of my food. As I was extremely hungry, not having eaten for quite some time, this made me mad as hell.

Being overweight does not mean you can ignore common courtesy. What in hell are you in such a rush for? You don't NEED that quarterdecker bacon cheeseburger, you won't starve >_> I, on the other hand, who hadn't eaten for 18 hours, would though >_>

And now onto something else.

<p align=center ><img src='http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/whisper_jeep.png' title='OMFG Sexy jeep!'>


My secret project that only a few people know about is doing extremely well. That picture is for building units, specifically the Whisper Jeep.


Its fast and it pwns infantry.


So onto life. College is great, classes are easy, food is meh. Its raining, and that is awesome. I have Fridays off, as well as most of Wednesday. On Saturday, I spent 15 hours playing Fable. IRC is pwn. My new avatar continues to be awesome.

I watched some movies, and I am currently engrossed in Kill Bill Vol1&2. Mysql class is a piece of cake.

Also, contrary to what you may believe, the V3 pic was not blurred. V3 actually looks like that. A bug got into the harddrive, and got smushed all over V3.



ZaleR IsK 17 years, 1 month ago

ohhh thats a KIND of jeep..

FireflyX 17 years, 1 month ago

A very nice fat guy said he would give me some of his fat because i'm like 7 stone and he's 17 :p

melee-master 17 years, 1 month ago

Mass inside jokes are hilarious.

FireflyX 17 years, 1 month ago

even when they're about you?

DFortun81 17 years, 1 month ago

"Also, contrary to what you may believe, the V3 pic was not blurred. V3 actually looks like that. A bug got into the harddrive, and got smushed all over V3."


Graydon 17 years, 1 month ago

Nice, are you making an RTS.

sk8m8trix 17 years, 1 month ago

No George. People like you.

I hate fat people also.

melee-master 17 years, 1 month ago

even when they're about you?

It's funny. Because:

-it isn't true

-it's old joke started way back, so that makes it even cooler, it's like 64D history

Kairos 17 years, 1 month ago

There's this one guy who makes an earthquake every time he walks at my school. If he jumps, we all run for it.

s 17 years, 1 month ago

I do hope that means you are going to crop it in the end and use boundaries.Amazes me how lzy some are,unwilling to click a few boxes in SpriteEdit

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