Additional Items

Posted by DesertFox on Oct. 15, 2007, 11:25 p.m.

Hmmmm…. Rawr?

I've been listening to a lot of Cold. They are an excellent band, along with Staind, Avenged Sevenfold, and Semisonic. Music is good.

So I've gotten busy lately. Lots of things have been fixed, added, and such. When Arc gets his computer up and running, we can get to work on V3 again, which will be awesome. I've put learning DirectX on hold for a bit, as I have other important things to do.

So onto the main bit of this blog. You may have noticed the new news post - it is made of win. I've fixed a lot of random things lately, and I intend to continue on this line of operation.

So I've noticed that people are posting pictures of themselves - yet nobody has a picture of me.

So here's one. I messed around with it a bit to make it look like an old photo, cause it was taken on a bad camera, and looks better this way.

<p align=center></p>

You can tell by the wild hair that I'm quite insane. Rawr! Picture made my moustache funny though =/

And now…



Distortion 17 years ago

Had a good laugh at Polystyrene Mans comment

Why should you upload pictures of yourself. People will just comment on it in a bad way. I bet that most of the people commenting aren't the most beautiful person on earth either.

MercXD 17 years ago

you look like my cousen to be true.

@Distortion: if i posted a picture of my self 64d will selfdestruct.

Castypher 17 years ago

@DF: I know, I was only joking. =P

But it's too bad you took a no-color photo. I wanted to see if your eyes were what you said they would be.

That reminds me…

There was some kid I saw…DF, you're American, right? Remember Mitt Romney? I read an article about him, and in a picture with him was a little blonde kid with blue eyes.

But his hair was blonde to the extent of being almost white. His eyes were such a bright blue, as well. It was creepy. I think he's adopted, because it would be impossible to mix dark and dark and get blonde like that. You could get a dark blonde, like my siblings, but never something so…BRIGHT.

So that's my off, yet on-topic remark.

Your portrait, however, DOES remind me of someone I know. You look like a long lost uncle. =P

PY 17 years ago

W00T, it be DF in all his 'glory'

Stop tekkin pictures, at the rate you're coding, we could have V3 on wednesday!

FireflyX 17 years ago

Zomg that's you XD I don't have a moustasche.. well i sorta do as you can see it's growing :p

btw is it true that if i shave it will grow faster?

DesertFox 17 years ago

@phazon - damn! He figured out the release date!

@Firefly - I don't know - it is most likely an old wives tale.

PY 17 years ago

I beleive it is, FX, I beleive it is.

Similar to hair, if you cut it, it grows faster, so if you want to be a steriotypical 'son of the soil', you just cut your hair, as paradoxicly as it may seem.

Castypher 17 years ago

@DesertFox: That's true, but it does work a bit, too. I have a bit of one right now, but I hate it. I rarely shave it, but after a week or two, it shows. It not only seems to grow faster, but thicker, as well.

Go figure.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years ago

Many people traditionally believed that shaving would cause the hair shaved to become thicker and darker. However, this bit of conventional wisdom has been disproven. The resulting stubble only makes the hairs seem to be thicker, as a shaved hair has a blunt end as opposed to the tapered end of an unshaven hair, and because hair is often darker in color near the root. Clinical studies have demonstrated that shaving does not have an effect on hair growth rates or density

Castypher 17 years ago

Nice point, BUT…

Consider the fact of getting rid of something so more can come in…it happens, and I think that may be why this little theory has been developed.

Geez, DF, look at what your blogs cause.