Missed yah peoplez

Posted by DesertFox on Oct. 26, 2007, 1 a.m.

Well, I've been gone for a week - I missed yah guys. Here I tell my tale.

I am currently having some eye problems. My glasses are rather abraded due to the fact that the cloth, the special cloth used for cleaning glasses, had something wrong with it, and it scratched my glasses badly when it should not have. It probably got something spilled on it. Thus, wearing my glasses meant I'd get rather bad headaches. I found and am using my contacts now, and they are better than nothing, but I need to go and renew my prescription. For the last week I've basically been letting my eyes get used to wearing contacts again. Woot!

I would also like to rant against Windows Vista. I decided I would go and downgrade from Vista to XP, what with Microsoft offering free downgrades. Well, guess what! The free downgrade is a clever ploy to gain money, as this free downgrade is in fact only free for Vista Business or Vista Ultimate, and the majority of people using Vista have something like Vista Basic or Premium. In essence, most Vista users cannot use the free downgrade, and if they want XP, they have to re-buy it.

Now, why do I so badly want to downgrade to XP, aside from the usual reasons? As it turns out, Windows Vista does not natively support OpenGL - and thus many games which I love cannot be played on Vista. There are ways to run OpenGL on Vista, but it involves some nicely annoying things, wrapping OpenGL onto DirectX, and the end result is basically a lobotomized version of OpenGL - it runs much slower than it should.

What does the lack of OpenGL mean? Basically, anyone making a graphically heavy program that can run on Vista is forced to use DirectX. These programs are everything from CAD programs, to 3D modelers, to games. It is an attempt to create a program monopoly monopoly.


Anyways, after a week-ish of not being here, I'm back, and my Stargate craze is still in full blast. The end of Fall Trimester is near, and it is almost November. I hope it snows soon.

I'll set up the polls for the badge set voting tomorrow (or today, since it is 2AM) - sorry 'bout being gone.


bendodge 16 years, 12 months ago

Hi, thought you were kinda scarce.

Have you ever tried Linux? I dual-boot XP and Kubuntu, and I honestly prefer Kubuntu. It just…works. (Except for Lexmark printers.)

Josea 16 years, 12 months ago

@George: Live CDs don't screw up your computer, they don't even touch the HDD.

Agh, Vista, I downgraded loong ago. I don't know why you rant about money, getting any OS is a matter of downloading a torrent. I haven't spent a single cent in any OS in my life.

Castypher 16 years, 12 months ago

@George: There are games for Macs. I don't know what would bring you to say that. Needing an example? Warcraft 3. Lots of others can do it, too, but Windows gets the attention from games…and viruses.

@Luke: It's not bad, but people don't like it. I have to say the most annoying part is…

<Insert action here>

You must confirm. Are you sure?

Are you <i>really</i> sure?

Are you super double sure?

There's no going back, do you still want to carry out this task?

Wait! This may be permanent. Confirm if this is okay.

Don't make a mistake here…

It DOES that (so there was an exaggeration on number…). However, I like it a lot.

Download Virtual PC. If Vista just came with your computer, like it did mine, you may not want to lose it. You can have two operating systems at once, though it'll take up more disk space. Then you haven't wasted your purchase.

Also, this works extremely well with Windows versus Ubuntu. Ubuntu is more of a developer's OS. You can download some of them, like Josea said.

flashback 16 years, 12 months ago

OpenGL is the only 3D graphics solution for Linux and OSX.

V 16 years, 12 months ago

Linux/windows operating system = fun, since I can switch between the 2. Yay for my computer science teacher for showing me the awesomeness of Linux. Welcome back, anyways. :D

bendodge 16 years, 12 months ago

flashback, most DirectX calls work with WINE.

poultry 16 years, 12 months ago

yeah nooby flashback >: ( omg u suk

Balding Chimp 16 years, 12 months ago

Get a commodore 64. Just flip the switch and it's ready to go. No windows loading time or anything. Oh…you wanted more than 16 colors? Picky picky ;)

flashback 16 years, 12 months ago

That's not native support.

s 16 years, 12 months ago

I wonder if Bill played much Monopoly when he was little,and how much he won/lost