Three Panel Soul? Its great.Also enough about "And geargod wrote the new parser" - he didn't, I did. Read the newspost comment - #6 I think.
That song says everything.So I'm still here. Dusting myself off. I'm alive.Midterms are done, I've watch the Rambo movies. Cloverfield sucked massively. I am learning Python and Perl, both of which are easy. I also broke 500k pts in Ogame. Midterms are finally over. I ate some cheesecake last night. Cloverfield sucked massively. Its been snowing a ton lately. Did I mention Cloverfield sucked massively?Also does anyone here read
Cloverfield would have been great if it had a plot.
Damn song, it's stuck in my head. Anyway, good to hear youre still alive and that Cloverfield sucked massively.
@Obelisk: I thought you said:"Cloverfield would have been great If I had pot"I haven't watched cloverfield, it's not been released in the UK yet =|
Mod edit ftw :DCloverfield wasYou all are allCloverfield was suck.I heard that Cloverfeild is weird?
Why are talking like you're asking a question?
Thanks again DesertFox!
-Elmernite@REZ: Acident.
I'm glad you told me that, because i was thinking about seeing cloverfield. Did anyone here see dragon wars? I was thinking about renting it.
RIP Companion Cube.