Yeah - Python is an easy language, and its awesome. Especially if you use the PyGame module for game development. Its really high-level and has wierd syntax, but once you get used to it its really easy. I ditched GM a long long time ago, and finally, after a long wait, Python has lodged itself as a suitable replacement.
Today's bit of code?from socket import *sock=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)sock.connect(("", 6667))while 1:…..sock.send('SPAM')Theoretically that would send the IRC server packets containing 'SPAM', indefinitely. Quick and easy :D (the 5 dots represent a tab, cause of whitespace removal >_>)On my physics midterm, the class average was around 55%. My score? 87%! Yeah - I pwn - ph34r my 1337 physics skillz! Etc… I also made an anthill simulator for another class for midterm project.Also, my roommate is continuously playing Odin Sphere - an interesting looking game.
I tried learning Python but I gave up.
Python seems cool.