RPI Gamefest and imagineRIT

Posted by DesertFox on April 30, 2008, 5:25 p.m.

I'm sorry I've been gone guys, but I've been as busy as hell with lots of stuff. Here's what:


RPI Gamefest - I went up to Albany last week for the RPIG - a bunch of college indie developers were showcasing a bunch of games. It was "sweeeeeet"! They ranged from some simple (but well done) 2D games, like Nova, to 3D motion sensitive stuff like TexMechs and Audiowave (or some similar name).

One of the games, a 2D cave exploration game, was done completely in Java, and they had a polygonal shadow engine, and it managed to actually break Java's garbage collection. Even so it was a fun game.

Audiowave was a real neat game, it used a Wiimote tied in to a computer, and motion sensitive glasses. It input a sound file, played the sound file, and generated the enemies from the beats of the music, and you had to shoot them with the Wiimote, while weaving and ducking around to avoid close enemies (motion sensitive glasses remember?). Did I mention its 3D, and completely done in Python? Really fun game.

Nova was a little 2D platformer with gravity control, which made for some fun gameplay, sort of like a mix with elements from Portal - it was a fun little game, but rather easy.

Vicarious Visions was at RPIG which was awesome, we got to talk to them. We also had a bunch of speakers which were awesome fun.


imagineRIT - RIT creativity fair, in which a team which I am a member of are entering a website, in which an RIT-based Risk-like game is played. If this venture works out, I may make some money, and we will form a small indie company which I can attach my work to.

This is something I've been working on for the last month, and it has been awesome fun.


I'm trying out developing Flash games for a little money. Its an interesting experiment, and I'm doing a "Game in a week" sort of thing. Its almost done, and I'll show you when it is finished. I'm pleased with how its turning out.


In other words, I got food poisoning the second time within 3 weeks… which really sucked. Bloody food poisoning. Stay away from Hormel complEATS - they will make you sick (especially the roast beef).

Worry not though, I've been lurking around doing little things here and there.


s 16 years, 5 months ago

So how do you feel Python is compared to Ruby?