A God Among Men

Posted by DesertFox on May 30, 2008, 11:02 p.m.

Watched some Knight Rider recently - David Hasselhoff, but he refuses to use any sort of weapons… MacGyver is much more awesome. MacGyver is a god among men. And women and children too.

Anyways, playing Brawl with a Wiimote sucks majorly - a wiimote isn't built for buttonmashing - thats where 'cube controllers reign supreme, and I don't mean taco supremes either.

I'm trying (once again) to get my old laptop up and running. This time I actually have it set up and ready to go, and it just needs an OS to run - previously I didn't have anything to burn the OS to a disk on, and the RIT install of XP had some problem, and yadda yadda yadda, so basically, cross your fingers this time.

We are nearing the 5000th user marker. Makes me feel old O_o


Nobody has found the source of my avatar yet (and that doesn't mean you, you people that I told of the source)



DesertFox 16 years, 8 months ago

O_o Its not from an anime. Its from a graphic novel :O