Root Canal

Posted by DesertFox on July 22, 2008, 4:46 p.m.


I just got home from a root canal! Now half of the visible tooth is gone replaced by a temporary filling. It feels funny.

So I get to the dentists office, sit in the chair, they give me 2 shots of lidocaine, and start drilling. Problem is, I (and my older brother) have this nice powerful resistance to aenesthesia and painkiller medication - so about halfway through, they hit something, and man could I FEEL IT. It hurt like the devil - they have to give me an entire extra ampule of lidocaine.

Anyways, after they were done, I started laughing cause the numbness felt funny - everything in a line from my ear to lower jaw was numb, and I couldn't help laughing.

So now even though my jaw aches, I cant stop laughing because the numbness (now gone of course) felt so funny.

I have a prescription for Vicodin now, which of course makes me want to watch some House.

That was my day so far.


sludgames 16 years, 3 months ago

sounds as fun as the time i broke the bone in my toe and it was bleeding and they had to sew it up and in the following 3 months i had around 25 X-rays…

aEon 16 years, 2 months ago

Are you a redhead? I heard dem redheads are more resistant to painkillers.

s 16 years, 2 months ago

Root canals have seemed weary ever since I heard about that guy who made an autobiography of lies and decided to make himself sound tough by saying he had a root canal without pain killers

I think I'll go brush my teeth now

Kamira 16 years, 2 months ago

Hm.. I'm glad I might not have wisdom teeth.

I didn't have one of my adult teeth either, so I'm stuck with a noob (baby) tooth. Oh well.

One time they numbed my lip and I kept biting it, and it swelled up XD. Only time I've been numbed.