Fragmented Dreams

Posted by DesertFox on Sept. 19, 2008, 10:55 a.m.

Once again I bring you back to the world of dreams. For the past 2 weeks, I have had to wake up 3 to 5 hours early (to catch a ride to class with roommate because he has early classes). As such, I wander to the library to slip into a fitful sleep. So, basically every 10 or 15 minutes, I wake up again long enough to coherently check the time, and immediately fall asleep. Somehow, between the moments I look at the time, I manage to dream. Fragmented, splintered dreams, all tying together yet seperated by the tentative breaks of the waking moments. All of this was heavily influenced by the fact that I watched The Incredible Hulk and a ton of House, playing Earth Defense Force 2017, not getting to sleep until around 5 AM and waking at 7:30 to get to campus and sleep at the library.

Each of these 'segments' took about 15 minutes in real life time. Dream time unknown, felt like days.

So, first thing first, once again someone is trying to kill me, and again they suck at it, so I'm having fun. Also, I'm missing the ring finger on my right hand - it was cut off by those trying to kill me. So mostly right now, me running away through a bunch of alleyways.

Enter first wakeup timecheck. Fall back asleep.

Continue dream. Subtle changes have occurred. I am no longer running through alleys. No one is trying to kill me (even though they were inept). I am leaping from rooftop to rooftop a la bourne identity/parkour (again). I am trying to hide, trying to make it to a hidden place. Someone is watching, looking, and I have to avoid them.

Here comes wakeup #2. Sleep again.

Suddenly I am underground. I walk up to a door, eyes peek through a slot, I wave my hand. The missing finger is like a password. They let me in. Finally safety. A group of people stand there. I know them all, they are good friends. They tell me that its too close, and we have to move the hideout. Suddenly its too late. The door burst in and things come through. Monstrous, buglike alien things. They all carry some sort of rod-like weapons, and attack my friends. All of a sudden I am supercharged. I leap into action,kick, throw, hit, grab. One of the THINGS is down. It drops its weapon. I leap for the rod weapon, and grab it. It actively resists my attempts to lift it, fighting me. I grit my teeth, pull as hard as I can, and the weapon submits. I am its new owner, it will do my bidding.

Cue timecheck. Back to sleep again.

I am on an island, with my friends. I know we are one of the last remnants of humanity fighting the bug monster aliens. I still have the rod weapon, and am still missing my ring finger. Up in the sky we can see a large battle between fighter jets and what appears to be spaceships. A large spaceship is descending, and it lands. Nothing comes out. We enter the ship - it is empty. One of my friends knows how to fly it. We take off, we are going to fight.

Cue another wakeup. Sleep once more.

The battle is over. We are in space. Humanity has won. Zero gee is awesome, we float around. We are docking with another ship. Its big and white, and has red around the engines. Food and stuff is being loaded onto it. I must prepare - the journey is going to take 6 months, because I am going to Mars. As I float from one ship to the other in an airtight connector tube, I wave to my friends who are staying goodbye. The ring finger is still missing, but now it means victory.

Wake up. It is time to go to class.

I am sad that I had to go to class. Dreams like these are the best dreams I've ever had. Class, and real life, is much more dull.


PY 16 years, 1 month ago

I hate dreams like that.

because I have to wake up, and everything seems silly for hours :<

Josea 16 years, 1 month ago

I can't do that. If I wake up, and immediately try to sleep again, I stay there for hours, and then it is late for everything <_<

Acid 16 years, 1 month ago

I've had dreams like that before.

Siert 16 years, 1 month ago

I have those dreams too, but they're about the hot girls I'm friends with. That's right, my dreams are X rated.

Cesar 16 years, 1 month ago

Mine are too

But not because of sex

[deleted user] 16 years, 1 month ago

RawrSpoon dreams of cutting up hot girls.

That sounds like one awesome dream, especially how you kept waking up/cutting back to it.

F1ak3r 16 years, 1 month ago

Ring finger missing? You are subconsciously afraid of getting married.

(Yes, I did just make that up.)

Cesar 16 years, 1 month ago

Actually kyou, that's very spot on

JoshDreamland 16 years ago
