Oh Hai!

Posted by DesertFox on Dec. 4, 2008, 1:44 p.m.

Hey look! Its time for christmas themed avatars!

Make one. Now. I demand it of you!

So, I hate anti-video game nutjobs even more than usual. Why even more? I was watching a documentary on the history of video games for a class, and part of it of course was about violence in video games. They did a great job showing all of the different views on the subject, however one woman was incredibly horrible.

She ranted on how evil all video games are, and the interviewer asked her about a possible link to the Columbine shootings.

She described that as 'kids just acting out'. It makes me sick that she complains about how Final Fantasy and Oblivion and Battlefield are all murder simulators, and then she casually describes a real life shooting spree as 'kids just acting out'. If I met her in real life, I'd smack her. People like that make me sick - people so out of touch with reality.

Horrible people aside, I am finding this quarter's classes to be awesome. First off is my Programming for 2D Graphics class, in which we have to build a 2D game from the ground up with C++ and DirectX. I'd rather be using OpenGL of course, but eh. The professor is awesome, and the people on my team are awesome too. We've decided to to a topdown multiplayer shooter/RTS combo thing. It will be pure awesome.

I also have 3D Modeling and Animation, which the first class will be tomorrow, but I already know it will be kickass because the professor or Ms Oyzon. My main project for her previous class was an animation about screaming bread. Bread getting sliced, cupcakes getting eaten, a waffle getting toasted. It was, and I quote 'amazingly cute and horrific at the same time'.

Here's an still image of the waffle about to be toasted:

I also have GDF, which is mostly boring stuff I already know.

Finally, I have Advanced Creative Writing. A 4 hour class that is taught by, without a doubt, one of the funniest professors I've ever met. We spent an hour discussing pickup lines and "What would you do if a guy came up to you in a bar and asked 'Does this drink taste like rophynol to you?'" Yes, he even asked the guys in the class. Then we discussed why the word 'boinking' is no longer used because it makes people think of clowns having sex. It will be a fun class.

And now for some random stuff.

I've been re-reading Transmetropolitan. You should read it. It is awesome. It involves crazyness. It also involves a drug-crazed reporter who makes the president crap himself with an illegal Bowel Disruptor.

I am also interested in programming for the iPhone. So I will be obtaining an iTouch shortly, hopefully within the week. The best part is, I can claim it as part of my education.

I think I've run out of stuff to say for now.

How 'bout some random images:

A small image from Transmetropolitan

Richard Scarry's Best Pupil Dilation Ever


PY 15 years, 10 months ago

Dee :3

Don't you have to own one of them macs to use the iPhone SDK?

Snakeman 15 years, 10 months ago

Your avatar cuteness captivates me, sir. :3

Grand-High Gamer 15 years, 10 months ago

The columbine shooter did not release an ice dragon. FF was not to blame.

KaBob799 15 years, 10 months ago

Why hallo thar

PY 15 years, 10 months ago

how the fuck does final fantasy influence someone to shoot people, there are no guns, you kill monsters, and bad people (who are so very clearly bad).

that woman is retarded, now slap her.

s 15 years, 10 months ago

How much time do you have to develop the game?

More bread

SteveKB 15 years, 10 months ago

@py I think i remember guns in some of the FFs :p

PY 15 years, 10 months ago

ones after 7 don't count because they're shit

Castypher 15 years, 10 months ago

Anyone who lets violence from video games get to their heads in real life should be shot. Seriously, if you think everyone around you is an alien after playing some game, you don't deserve to live.

Video games aren't evil. You just need smarter people to play them

[deleted user] 15 years, 10 months ago

u gona get band for formattd titl.