On the Faces of a Dream

Posted by DesertFox on May 15, 2009, 11:40 a.m.

So I woke up today, went to sleep, woke up again, went to sleep, ad eceterum. Interrupted sleep has a higher chance of achieving lucid dreams, alas I did not achieve that today.

Instead, I had a series of odder-than normal dreams.

First off, the heavy machinations of war. People dying, people running for their lives, paint splattering everywhere. Wait, paint? Yes. Apparently, although this was was about as real as can be, it was all done via paintball guns. I had my trusty m1-garand paintball rifle, and a paintball revolver as backup. The entire time I kept thinking 'why did they issue us paintball guns, why not real guns!' but apparently paintball guns are extremely good at killing people. Tangentially related is that I'm really good with paintball guns in real life.

Secondly, Walkmart running. Huh? Well, not necessarily Wallmart, some other generic large filled-with-everything type store. It seemed I had a job there, and that really sucked. Except the job was simply to run around really, really fast. Not superhuman fast, more like ninja fast or Olympic runner fast. Also jumping over things, but more like parkour/urban running. In other words it was pure awesome. I still had my revolver/paintgun to protect myself against savage boxes of oatmeal infesting the store.

Eventually I must have ran so far that I got trapped in crowd, going in circles. No exit anywhere. Just a crowd going in circles with no exit, just one big crowd-line circle. The word sheeple comes to mind. Apparently at some time, someone had connected the head and the tail of the line, dooming all within to orbit forever. Eventually it was discovered that the exits were in the bathrooms, but nobody would try it because they were afraid of losing their spaces in line. So I left.

Then I woke up. The dreams were of course far weirder, but its kind of hard to write out how it was weird. They are dreams.


sirxemic 15 years, 5 months ago

Dreams are fun.

frenchcon1 15 years, 5 months ago

Last night I had a dream with which is quite possibly the best song in the world. I wrote down how to make it… but then I woke up and forgot it all. Now I don't even remember how it went ;_;

TDOT 15 years, 5 months ago

I had the same thing happen. The whole interrupted sleep thing. Led to a dream of me trying smuggle guns into some country. It slowly developed into something reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda…

sirxemic 15 years, 5 months ago

Last night I had a dream with which is quite possibly the best song in the world. I wrote down how to make it… but then I woke up and forgot it all. Now I don't even remember how it went ;_;
I've had such dreams many times. I always remember the 'sound', but progression and melodies, nooo…

PY 15 years, 5 months ago

Yesterday I had a dream that was awesome, and then I woke up and had a great day, and everything was right with the world.

Then I woke up for real, my mind fucking hates me :(

Josea 15 years, 5 months ago

Yesterday I had a dream that was awesome, and then I woke up and had a great day, and everything was right with the world.

Then I woke up for real, my mind fucking hates me :(
No kidding, that has happened to me a couple of times.

Stupid brain.

Cesque 15 years, 5 months ago

Apparently at some time, someone had connected the head and the tail of the line, dooming all within to orbit forever.

That was seriously awesome and sounded like something I would dream of ;)

Except that I dreamed about the train company introducing German lessons to their customers. So I was on a train to Warsaw and asks me where my book is. I said I didn't have one. So he gives me a book and says I missed two classes, I said I wasn't taking a train for two days. Okay, he says, and starts teaching me how to say where I'm from in German.

Later some lady comes with a poll, asking me what I thought about the quality of services of education introduced by the train company.

Ps. The idea behind lucid dreams sucks - being in control kind of kills your subconscious imagination.

eagly 15 years, 5 months ago

I had a dream the other night that I had a really nice stubble beard. I woke up and thought it was real and stroked my chin. Alas, there was nowt there.

Not surprising seeing as I shaved the day before…

Juju 15 years, 5 months ago

Stubble rules!

ESA 15 years, 5 months ago

I once had a dream where I was doused in some sort of accelerant and I set myself on fire. Strangely I was alright, but I have no idea what it was supposed to mean, and it clearly didn't reflect the things I'd been doing in the days before it.