Ich bin nicht ein Kartoffel

Posted by DesertFox on Sept. 29, 2009, 12:28 p.m.

Well, its true!


This blog contains information about:

iPhone Programming

My birthday


Ignore the birthday at your own risk

So, college? College! Yes, college. I am *finally* getting to take that Native iPhone Application Programming class. What does this mean? Add yes another language to the long list of stuff I know.


And wow, it is ridiculously awesomely easy to use. That, and its also insanely difficult too. Because Objective-C has some rather irritating methods of doing some things, one of which can be stated with a single word: "Strings"

Dear god, the horror. THE HORROR! Objective-C's way of dealing with strings makes the average person shriek in terror, makes them want to cut their own throat so they don't have to live with the atrocities that it has perpetrated! For instance, to do *anything* with a string, you have to use the message calls (functions/methods) Even something as base as concatenating two strings requires a method. Thats right, folks, @"String1" + @"String2" does not work. you must do this:

newstring = [string1 stringByAppendingString:string2];

or you can use:

[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",string1,string2];

Woo! But seriously, once you get used to it, the ease of programming makes up for it. I think.

So now to start making a game as my class final project! Because I already know sounds, graphics, timers, and input control!

Next up is my birthday! Tomorrow, I turn 21! Is this not awesome?

Well, yes it is. It means that sometime in the near future, I will go broke purchasing vodka, as well as all of the ingredients for high-quality margaritas. Aside from that, life actually feels relatively normal. My friends are putting together something for Saturday for my birthday, like they did last year. However, this time Mike is planning it, and that could mean anything. Mike is somewhat completely insane. That doesn't really say much though - another of my friends permanently carries a two-foot razor-sharp machete in his car!

Aside from that, stuff seems to be progressing in a slow crawl. If I can make a simple, sweet game for iPhone, I may be able to make some money! Maybe I'll do some work on porting Box2D over to pure Obj-C because people seem to be keeping it in C++ and having problems mixing Obj-C with it.

I've also been watching a random smattering of television shows. I think I will attempt to get caught up in Lost, again, but I don't know how well that will end. Also, Fringe is back, with Season 2! The last episode (the underground zombie-ish child) has cool but the bit where they finally find the child sort of ruins it - the camerawork/editing was sort of crappy/cheesey and they way the child dies is also kind of dumb. However, it was just one scene. The rest of the episode was excellently done, as was the season premiere. I've also been watching Defying Gravity, which is another neat little show, and House is back on! *dances around in circles* WE NEED MORE PIMP CANE!

We always need more pimp cane, do we not?


Alert Games 15 years ago

nein kartoffel? :(