Thesbian Sex & You

Posted by DesertFox on Oct. 14, 2009, 6:40 p.m.

I am taking a class that has nothing to do with actors. We don't sit around not talking about things that are irrelevant. Especially not about sex.

Anyways, I'm starting work on a game for my iPhone class - its my final project and thus is for a grade. CGContext matrix manipulations suck though. My roommate is watching some of the new anime that is coming out, and some of it is highly amusing. Currently though he is attacking me and I think he fell asleep on my leg.

Also, Lou Albano passed away today - he played Mario in the live-action Super Mario Bros. show. We weep for our fallen hero. Oh well.

Back to more sane issues, help me help me help me, I'm trapped by my roommate and can't get up! Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave meeeeeeeee…..

(The extra periods make it more important, see?)

I made a pinball version of Portal for class. I spent quite some time on it and the professor felt that it was one of the best in class at capturing the feel of the original game. I included a bunch of sound effects from the actual game, up to and including several quotes from GLaDOS. Also, I have the radio song playing on a loop in the background - something that I listened to far too much during work on the project. I ended up spending most of the weekend completely insane, pretty much continuously singing the portal song, and even going as far as buying a big piece of cake. I still want to play Portal again - I even own it - its just that I own it via Orange Box a la PS3, and alas I don't have a PS3 here with me.

Oh well (yes I used that phrase again)

I can't think of much else to say right now, so mebbe I'll talk later.


Josea 15 years ago


NeutralReiddHotel 15 years ago

The cake is always a lie.

sirxemic 15 years ago

iPhone class
Something like that exists?

DesertFox 15 years ago

Something like that exists?

Yes. Its awesome :P

shawn 15 years ago

What has apple done :p