Who are we?

Posted by DesertFox on Oct. 25, 2009, 3:01 p.m.

Well, I feel like summing up the currently active people on 64D. And by currently active, I mean people I've seen online or talked to on A) MSN B) IRC.

First off, the staff, active people. We have 2 british people (one thinks that he is a bird as well as public transportation), a fat guy who moves occasionally, a black guy who wishes he was a princess, someone of the vulpine persuasion, and a guy obsessed with cheese (and I do mean obsessed). These are the people that you rely upon for the well-being of this site!

We also have Juju, but he's not really staff. We love him anyway. Also, I think Flashback is still staff, but I haven't seen him actually on 64D in forever. I talk to him on MSN a bunch though :D Same with luda.

Then we've got a long-winded Polish dude, a pile of red goo from Zelda, a man made of plastic, a rough-mouthed man of vibrant simplicity, a guy who is primarily a cold flightless bird, our boy Josh who is stuck in a Kirby game, a man-snake, Xemic who has now been knighted, the 22nd letter of the alphabet, Kel's counterpart off by one letter (he is also formed of plat), a fish who hangs out at IRC, some suicide medication, poultry that likes eating pastries, some optical guy, the boy with two souls, a tall narrow monument (that has been truncated), someone who's name is short for revival/resurrection, someone who is at his base level exactly not that, the Kazmanian Devil, our Venezuelan friend, some tasty breakfast bread, some guy who likes making things flaky, the caveman lichen-eater, a connection of gallic descent, and a bridge who uses an improper form of the word 'the'.

Also leem, but I don't know him very well :/

Kudos to anyone who can place each and every person. Some are easier than others. Also, if I forgot you, either talk to me more or stfu D:

Now, some random stuff:

I've got my Objective-C iPhone game engine up and running smoothly. 'Tis awesome. For halloween, I might go as The Man in the Black Hat from XKCD. In the last two weeks, I've drank 8 gallons of pink lemonade. I defragged my hard-drive and gained back 25 gigs out of 140 - that was approximately 1/6th of the hard drive being wasted.

Also, I had to give a game pitch in front of the class to my Professor. Apparently, I did an excellent job even though I kind of fell off at the end, cause I started stumbling over my words. Afterwards, the professor told me that based on the first 3/4 of my presentation and my innovative game idea, if I had been pitching the game to an actual company (and hadn't started stumbling over my words), I would have almost certainly gotten money to develop the game ^_^ This is extremely awesome because it means we are developing a prototype of it next semester. People keep on comparing my game to scribblenauts in terms of innovation and awesomeness. I rather like that. The game idea is a secret though :3

I guess I'm bored of writing now, so I'm going to end this blog! Also, I got a new banner that I stole from some internet ad for a browser MMORPG game or something. It is awesome and I like it and it is now mine forever! Hooray!



JoshDreamland 14 years, 12 months ago

I :3'd. I didn't see serpy on the list, or maybe I did but it's so ambiguous that I can't really tell. I got most of them…

KaBob799 14 years, 12 months ago

I had 2 cheese enchiladas with cheese on top for lunch today.

NeutralReiddHotel 14 years, 12 months ago

"and a guy obsessed with cheese" KaBob

"a fat guy who moves occasionally" Guessing Melee

"a black guy who wishes he was a princess" Arc?

"someone of the vulpine persuasion" FesertDox

"a pile of red goo from Zelda" herooftime

"a man made of plastic" Poly

"our boy Josh who is stuck in a Kirby game" Josh@Dreamland

"a man-snake" Snakeman?

"Xemic who has now been knighted" sir Xemic

"the 22nd letter of the alphabet" vanhelsing

"Kel's counterpart off by one letter" hel?

"some optical guy" OL

"the boy with two souls" twinsoul

"our Venezuelan friend" josea

"and a bridge who uses an improper form of the word 'the'" me :D

KaBob799 14 years, 12 months ago

Heh you got at least one wrong

Polystyrene Man 14 years, 12 months ago

I'm actually made of love.

NeutralReiddHotel 14 years, 12 months ago

Who did I get wrong?

DesertFox 14 years, 12 months ago

Red ball of goo from LoZ.

Also, Kel's counterpart - I added something else for that cause people might not get the reference.

Alert Games 14 years, 12 months ago

hahaha. i dont stand out enough to be listed >:D

then again, id have my periods where i wouldnt come here for a while. i just sit by and do stuff.

actually, i would change my username, but it was too much hassle because of all the files and stuff :F I wonder if it would even matter now that i dont link to anything here.

…then again, i wouldnt trust the stability of such a function.

V 14 years, 12 months ago

Ahh, nice job on your presentation. And our site is so diverse, it makes Obama's presidency look like a white supremecy.

Toast 14 years, 12 months ago

some tasty breakfast bread
Professor D. Fox, I put it to you that the aformentioned heat exposed treat is perfect anywhere, anywhen, anywhy.