Giant Rooster People

Posted by DesertFox on Feb. 8, 2010, 3:51 p.m.

Today, I saw something ridiculous. Here at RIT you have some fairly strange people - after all, it is RIT! But I have to say that this, even after my four years here, made me stare. 

It was a guy with a red Mohawk. It wasn't the Mohawk in and of itself that made me stare - it was the guys hair accessories that stole my gaze. Simply put, the guy was wearing a hoodie, and the hood was up. Now, how does one reconcile a hoodie and a Mohawk?

For this enterprising individual it apparently was quite easy - he had cut a giant hole in the hood and simply shoved his hairdo through. The effect was that from the back, he quite honestly looked to be a giant, gray chicken! I highly doubt that that was what he wanted, as chickens are not very high on the list of "things that are hardcore"

Want to know what *is* hardcore? Fried egg and pepperoni sammiches! They are delicious and scrumptious. You should have one. Also, has anyone here played Go To Hell? fun (but hard) game!


OBELISK 15 years ago

He's brilliant.

Castypher 15 years ago

Obel is envious.

mesenberg 15 years ago

what a doorknob…

I love egg samiches!!!

Cesque 15 years ago

You should have taken a pic :D

"I'm sorry sir, could I take your picture? I'm going to post it on my blog. The title will be Giant Rooster People."



"Stop punch- ouch."

Ferret 15 years ago

Chickens are hardcore

HeroofTime55 15 years ago

i know who you're talking about, i saw him a bunch when i was up there. he was friends with my former roommate i think.

HeroofTime55 15 years ago

which i suppose i should mention, i go to rit (except this year, but the previous 2 and next year) and have met df and he managed to break my nintendo wii, the asshole.