[[blk]flash width=400 height=400]http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/boom.swf[[blk]/flash]
does this[flash width=400 height=400]http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/boom.swf[/flash]Click and hold to build power, release to make it explode, space to restore image.
Also spoiler alert!
Spoiler tags![[blk]hide=TITLE HERE]SOMETHING TO HIDE[[blk]/hide]Also, you can use 'show' instead of 'hide' to have it open by default!
for loop()
[tab]more code;
teh lolz
So glorious Q.QCyrus, if you'd like to do the skeletonwutever animations for me, the game will no longer be a legend.
I've got time. No I don't. I've got school. And work. But some time in between.furry.
Also added a [[blk]tab] tab. Useful in layouts.
Like for this:Yay!
[tab]Yay![tab][tab]Yay![tab]Yay!Yay!Why don't we just get a preformat tag instead of a tab tag..?
The wrath of shlongbeast continues.