So, I was doing some work up in Dallas helping my father with some office stuff, moving and putting together furniture, etc. Then this happened. was a tornado in Dallas today. Guess where I was today? Dallas! Lets get a bit more specific, shall we? Where in Dallas did the tornado hit? Mockingbird Lane! Guess where I was? Mockingbird Lane! Guess what time it hit? 7 PM. Guess where I was at 7 PM? Getting something to eat at a fast-food restaurant on Mockingbird Lane!To make a long story short, I got to see a tornado rip through Dallas, while waiting at the drive-through at Jack-in-the-Box! It knocked down a bunch of powerlines and stuff, caused a bunch of damage to buildings, and I think it did damage to the bridge as well, because there were more police and fire/rescue vehicles in one place than I'd ever seen, setting up a massive detour.So yeah, my day was exciting. How was yours?
My question is how the linked article's comments have taken a natural disaster and turned it to politics. I didn't read the thing, but I think it's safe to assume it's not claiming Obama caused a tornado.
I just heard about that tornado an hour or so ago o.o I live less than an hour away from where you were =o Weather was crazy in general today, lots of roads flooding and stuff.
Yeah the comments on that news link are incredibly stupid, so ignore them.
News comments always turn political and are always at least 50% stupid.
But did you get your Jumbo Jack?
I was sitting at a Jack in the Box drive through today as well, but the only thing I got to watch was a coyote sway back and forth in traffic as cars stop and try to go around it.
And you're ok right? D:People will avoid killing a coyote but speed up to kill squirrels…
Obviously, Ferret, Desertfox lost his hands in a tragic tornado-related accident, and had to type this with his tongue. Show some respect, dude.
Your sarcasm doesn't amuse me, and I'm just wondering if any flying debris hit him or anything like that, doesn't have to be fatal >_>
It would have to go through the car first.