Where I've Been, Extra Ninja

Posted by DesertFox on Sept. 27, 2010, 1:03 a.m.

So I've been quite busy the last week or so. Blame it on minecraft. >_>

I managed to snage a copy during the free-weekend they had cause of server-doom. Now that it's over, I can't play online, but I can still play solo to my heart's content.

Aside from this, I made cinnamon rolls from scratch! They were delicious.

Furthermore, I finally found a bit of time, and made a bit of progress on that ninja flash game. I tweaked the physics system so that it is more accurate and got rid of a bunch of micro-bugs - it makes a major difference and looks a lot better. I also added a temporary dirt-looking tileset + cave background, and I decided to make the blocks 18x18 as opposed to 16x16 - that way the player fits in between blocks with a little bit of leeway, and levels become slightly larger as well.

So without further ado…

I give you… A menu system!

The graphics are somewhat rough, and just a general idea of what I want. blueBX will probably be able to make it look much better, but menu-prettiness is on the back-burner right now.

And now…

Behold! The rails system! Also, a ninja about to walljump.

So what is this 'rails' system? Basically, I've decided to have two types of hazards - free based, and rail-based. Free-based is rather self explanatory - hazards that move around the map restricted by the solid walls. Rail-based enemies use the same movement patterns as free-based, but are further restricted to the rails. Got it? Anyhow - the above image is a test of a rail-fill - basically, every grid cell that *could* contain a rail, does - so that I can test rail-connections. The thick black lines are all of the rails, and black circles being a single lonely rail with no connections.

After this, we have the wonderful user-generated-level selection. Sort by date, # of plays, or rating, on a daily, weekly, monthly, or all-time basis.

Sorry, level editor is *still* not done, so no new demo for you >:{

Coming soon: Level editor, cool ninja action, and a grappling hook!


Scott_AW 14 years ago

But I want to make levels…

DesertFox 14 years ago

Level editor is coming soooooon. I just have to decide on how to manage user accounts and such.

Eva unit-01 14 years ago

I've always wanted to make a level editor in GM…It'll be a snowball chance in hell I could do this with Flash. Looking awesome.

aeron 14 years ago

A ninja mi ninja!

Quietus 14 years ago

i hope you find an appropriately epic name for this lol. it looks tight, a level editor sounds awesome indeed.

Ferret 14 years ago

Lol this is quite N inspired :P

Cool work :D

factnfiction101 14 years ago

looks grate!