Gawd! Potatoes! Sherbert!

Posted by DesertFox on Jan. 18, 2011, 10:43 p.m.

Awesome weekend. Spent it all with a friend, doing random things.

On Saturday,we saw The Green Hornet. It was… interesting. Very Seth-Rogeny, if you know what that means. Lots of facepalming for the first half of the movie, because Seth Rogen was being, well, himself. It was an all-around okay-ish film, but it wasn't worth the 14$ I paid to see it in 3D. It might be worth $8 to see in standard glorious 2D though.


Sunday, we (friend and I) went to Jay's Diner (awesome retro diner) and we ate breakfast at 2 PM. While eating, we realized that the dollar theatre was next door, and so we went over there (when we finished eating) and saw MegaMind in 3D, which was totally, epically worth the $4 it cost!

So it balanced out.

We also watched a bunch of really random stuff, including:

  • Todd and the Book of Pure Evil
  • Kamen Rider
  • aaaaand… Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka, which is "By the Way, I'm a Zombie" and was quite funny

And now I'm back to the present day, which is saddening because of classes. I spent most of this afternoon yelling at AdMob while trying to get it integrated, which eventually manned up and began working.

I accidentally forgot to set it in test mode, and clicked one of the ads. It gave me 4 cents :O

Well, at least I know it is working now.

What else is happening in my life? Well, minecraft, of course. I am still annoyed that the Nether is not fixed yet in SMP. It has been almost 3 months, Notch >:{


I've also been eating a lot of stuff that has curry powder in it. Curry-infused chicken&rice, curry-infused mashed potatoes, curry-infused macaroni&cheese, curry-infused ramen! I got imported Indian curry powder from the foreign market. Curry powder is makes things taste good :3

I am also reading a ridiculous book called Debatable Space, that I got off the bargain shelf at Barnes and Noble. It is ridiculous. Did I say it is ridiculous? It is. It is some guy's debut novel, and the poor guy is a horrendous writer. It is the literary equivalent of a horrifyingly cheesy B-movie. So many cliche characters. Ridiculous space battles. Stilted dialogue. And for some reason, I like it though. I won't deny, it is one of the worst-written scifi books I have ever read, but the sheer horror of it amuses me. Oh well.

I am tired. Goodnight!


Ferret 13 years, 9 months ago

I wanted to see Mega Mind so badly, looked awesome.

Nether in SMP would be difficult to do since it's two maps and I've had so many glitches with the portals in just single player.

KaBob799 13 years, 9 months ago

Notch keeps saying SMP nether is fairly far away compared to the other stuff he is currently working on.

JuurianChi 13 years, 9 months ago

I just started playing minecraft, I'm worried someone will take the space I cleared for myself.

sk8m8trix 13 years, 9 months ago

Jay's diner sucks, all they serve are bad pancakes that break into a million pieces when you eat them :(

sirxemic 13 years, 9 months ago

Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka
/me is now downloading the first episode.

thernz 13 years, 9 months ago

What Kamen RIder did you watch?

DesertFox 13 years, 9 months ago

@sk8 - their pancakes may not be the best, but their sausage-egg-biscuit platter is delicious. Not as good ad Margie's, but still pretty good.

@thernz - the latest one - kamen rider OOO