Desktop Test! Back from da grave!

Posted by DesertFox on April 4, 2011, 5:42 p.m.

I managed to get my old hard drive into an enclosure, and as I hoped, my data is fine. That is the plus side.

On the negative side, the only computer I have to work with now is my friend's Macbook, and it refuses to recognize the existence of my phone. So I can't test on my phone. This means that I've actually made the desktop port of my game, and you can play it. It doesn't look or play as nearly as sweet as it does on a phone, but nothing I can really do about that.

Megaupload because 64D doesn't like jar files :/

Warning! 15 megabytes, because half of it is music, and the other half is the massively fat JOGL libraries that were necessary for the desktop port. Unzip it because the level files have to be stored outside of the jar for them to be dynamically listed in a method consistent with the android project. If I can get my scripts running on a Mac, I'll upload some proper levels later today displaying all of the enemies, and not just the few that you can see in Capitalizm/Bacon(the campaign test level)/TestTurret/Hivemind.

Also, there are some minor graphical glitches that occur due to my texture atlas, (mostly noticeable on the debris in the background.

A few notes - whenever it says tap, or drag, it means click with the mouse - remember this is a desktop port of something designed for a touchscreen/accelerometer enabled phone. So all menus are mouse-driven, and the ship(s) are controlled with arrow-keys to move, spacebar for secondary weapons, and left-shift for super-weapons. Escape to go back a menu, or to bring up the pause menu.

Also, if the ships are a bit hard to control in-game, lower the sensitivity in options. It works.

And yes, I know that its hard to tell when the player gets hit - it vibrates the phone when you get hit, and I haven't put in a suitable replacement for desktop testing. So just pay attention, and when your ship gets hit, you will see it flashing white.

Also, the desktop port doesn't like to finish closing properly, so after you close the window, make sure it actually closed.

ToDo List:

Add [LIVES] tag to levels to have a specific number of lives in a level if desired

Cant fire super when dead

Increase hive and turret range

GameOver handling

Powerup Limits (max of 6 per type)

2 Types of Pause screen - Campaign and Challenge (Challengs just has quit instead of savequit AND quit)

Display "Continue" when campaign is in progress

Campaign saving

Change Sound On/Off -> Music On/Off

Rearrange texture atlas

Make levels and stuff


Scott_AW 13 years, 6 months ago

Good thing you still have your data, thats the worst thing to lose.

JAR file? Does that mean this is for OSX?

I hear you on the audio thing, a music track for my game will average 8-15mbs. Sound effects not so much a hit.

DesertFox 13 years, 6 months ago

A jar file is basically the java version of an exe. Double click it and it should launch. You've never heard of jar files? Jar files ought to be automatically associated with the Java Runtime Environment.

blackhole 13 years, 6 months ago

the problem is your using java and you should be using *anything else*

aeron 13 years, 6 months ago

He doesn't have much of a choice seeing as his target platform is Android*

*NDK aside

JuurianChi 13 years, 6 months ago

Android - Java.

Nuff said.

Undeadragons 13 years, 6 months ago

@JuurianChi: Pfft, C/C++ on Android > Java.

Also, this isn't the right place for a Java vs. good languages throwdown, this is where you should be commenting on DF's game.

As should I, DLing now.

EDIT: DLed, played, it's definitely a phone game that one, I haven't played it much, due to being in a lecture, but it seems to be functional and it looks nice.

blackhole 13 years, 6 months ago

I know, I'm a dick :D

DesertFox 13 years, 6 months ago

Even with NDK, you are still using java - only now you are also using JNI to talk between the two. I figured that using Java on a platform that is specifically, highly geared towards running Java efficiently was the laser of two evils, especially considering that I don't need the raw power of C++ in this game. Java isn't my favorite language either, but I'm smart enough to use it when it's appropriate, and doubly so when it cuts my dev time in half, possibly more.

I am planning on using the NDK for my physics if I end up trying to bring my ninja game to android, however.

@blackhole - god thing I like cheese!

If I can get a camera working, I'm going to take a video of the game being played as it should be - on a phone.

JuurianChi 13 years, 6 months ago

Awesome, Nao lets get more features.