Vulpine Computational Devices

Posted by DesertFox on Aug. 1, 2011, 11:21 p.m.

I am going to post a blog about stuff that has occurred over the last week. You have been warned. Just to fill you guys in (if you didn't know already), I have been running on a fairly crappy low-end computer that can't even run Minecraft since February. Also, I got a job about 5 weeks ago, working from home as an iPhone developer, as an internship (required at RIT).

Let us go back to last two Fridays ago. Two Fridays ago, I was bored because I had basically completed my project for work. We are bidding for a contract to make an application, and my boss had my designer make up a few mockups for them. Due to the aforementioned boredom, I decided to make a working prototype. I then went stark raving nuts, and managed to complete about fully half of the functionality of the full application in about 16 hours of straight coding. I then sent my boss an *.IPA (iphone application package) so he could see it. He loved it.

Next Monday, I found out that my boss was impressed, and so he was putting me on another project, one that I'd get payed partially up front for. This was totally sweet, because my current project so far has been in-house, so I won't earn from that until it makes us some money. So come Wednesday, he sends over stuff to sign, I signed it, and he promptly put a check in the mail for me. I got that check Saturday.

Now comes today (Monday). I have successfully cashed my check, and have used the bulk of it to purchase one of these. For those of you unable to click links (how are you even here?), I bought myself one of these:

If you still don't know what that is that I bought, it is a Macbook. Specifically, a 15" Macbook Pro, the higher end 2.2ghz i7 version.

So what am I going to be doing with this Macbook?

First off, dual booting Windows 7 and OSX. It has got the hard drive space (750gb), so I figure I'll split the hard drive into 3 partitions of 250 gigs each - OSX, Win7, and a Media drive. The media drive will be formatted NTFS, but MacFUSE/NTFS-3G will take care of the small problem of "OSX can't natively write to NTFS". Then installing stuff like Wine, various programs and stuff. After that I will be installing Crysis and playing that all day at the highest possible settings. Because I can. On my new Macbook :D

Finally I will become a hiptser, wear my fedora indoors in a coffeeshop, and order a latte with a fancy name. Just kidding.

"So why did you get a macbook? Windows computers are so much cheaper for the same specs!" Some of you are bound to ask that. Yes, Apple does charge quite a bit for a macbook. However, the answer is mindbogglingly simple. I am an iPhone developer. I need OSX to do my job. In case you didn't know, for the last month and a bit, I've been borrowing my friend's macbook while he is at his job.

So thats how I went from being almost flat broke, to spending 2000$ on a computer, to being almost flat broke again. But don't worry - my boss has side projects for me. So I ought to not be broke for long. And I finally have a computer again :D


Praying Mantis 13 years, 2 months ago

You were telling me about this on IRC. Once again, congrats :D

DesertFox 13 years, 2 months ago

@Cps *starts headbanging*

The Avatrol 13 years, 2 months ago

Nice, congratulations man. I'll defintely have this on my find while I work my shitty job at the bagel shop. XD

KaBob799 13 years, 2 months ago

Illegally Editted Comment By Steve Jobs.

That computer is amazingly sexy, and I want one so bad that I will in fact auction off my firstborn children in an attempt to garner a sufficient amount of capital with which I may purchase said amazingly sexy laptop. I will then treasure it through the ages, relinquishing it only upon death, and thus passing it on to my remaining children whom I did not need to sell. Unless I already sold them for an iPad.

PY 13 years, 2 months ago

Good hardware, though, and if you need it for ayeos development it's a necessary investment.