I am Now a Hipster

Posted by DesertFox on Aug. 5, 2011, 8:36 p.m.

So my laptop got here today! I guess I'm a Macbook-toting hipster now. I gotta find a nearby coffee shop to haunt ;_;

anyhow, images!

Fresh out of its wrapping!

And setting up!

And logged in!

Setting it up took like… 5 minutes. Much shorter than the bullshit I had to wade through to get my last laptop running. And it runs wicked fast - many times faster than my friend's macbook that I'd been using. I am most pleased with this laptop.

So here's what I'm putting on it tonight (or already have):

*Adium (Multi-IM client)

*Fugu (SFTP)

*Wine (So I can use windows stuff)

*MacFUSE/NTFS-3g (So I can write to NTFS partitions)

*Firefox 5

*Transmission (Bittorrent client)

*TextWrangler (OSX replacement for Notepad++)

*XCode (programming for iPhone, duh)

*Python (cause I love me some python)


And of course setting up Windows 7, then some Crysis, and then imma shoot some aliens.

Anyone have any suggestions for OSX software?


firestormx 13 years, 2 months ago

I cheaped out and got a standard macbook rather than a macbook pro. Mistake.
Kinda corrected that for you.

No one should ever have to blow their money on any apple product.

Also, I'm tempted to go grief your hipster house DF. >:(

DesertFox 13 years, 2 months ago

@fsx - two words - iPhone developer. The money that was used to purchase this computer was earned via programming on a mac. But you go ahead with your anti-Apple feelings, because hey, that's fine, it's your opinion and thus your right.

Myself? I'll just go back to earning money. I like money, and don't mind using Apple to get it :D

firestormx 13 years, 2 months ago


Didn't you learn Java in school? Move to Android. =D

DesertFox 13 years, 2 months ago

I've done android programming, but android people are harder to make money off of.

Also, Android fragmentation sucks balls.

MMOnologueguy 13 years, 2 months ago

Install a pirated copy of the mac operating system on a partition of a superior, better-value computer. Return your macbook or pawn it if you lost the recipt.

DesertFox 13 years, 2 months ago

Nah, I'm good.

LAR Games 13 years, 2 months ago

Those lays are pretty hipster.

That's what this is about right?…


DesertFox 13 years, 2 months ago

Yeah! Lays chips are like, totally indie!

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 2 months ago

SERIOUS Apple haters are idiots. So are the Micro$oft fags.

However, MMORPGguy did have an interesting idea. Seems like it'd work and… well a bit more cost effective.

Personally the only apple "product" i'd consider investing in is a MODbook.