More fixing

Posted by DesertFox on Oct. 19, 2011, 5:15 p.m.

Just fixed a few more things, including "Start at Last Page" user preference, which means that if you have that box ticked, you'll start at the last page of comments instead of the first (if there are multiple pages).


Any other things that need fixins?'


BP Scraps 13 years ago

The forum >:(

DesertFox 13 years ago

Screw the forum, I ain't touchin that with a ten foot pole, be it a large wooden stick or a guy from Warsaw. >:{

I don't even know how to get to the forums (except typing in the url), and the forums are more of a styling issue than a functionality one. I don't do graphic design D:

BP Scraps 13 years ago

Fix the gosh darned forum or I'mma shootin' ya with mah varmint rifle!! D:<

DesertFox 13 years ago

D: I can't! I'm not a graphic designer ;_;

firestormx 13 years ago


firestormx 13 years ago

Go into /todo, and it's the input area on the right, and there's instructions on how to use it. =)

Praying Mantis 13 years ago

Nice, I've been wanting this for awhile :D

Now add blog pages, so that instead of clicking "next page" many, many times (because some people only show 1 blog post per page), we can just click go to first blog post, go to page three of blog posts, etc.

Also, this might be a longshot, but add the ability to 'subscribe' to blog posts of users that you have favourited?

Josea 13 years ago

I like the option to start on the last comments page, I've been waiting for it for a long time.

Cesque 13 years ago


Any other things that need fixins?

I'm pretty sure there may be some pretty clearly broken things around but by now everybody has probably forgot they're perhaps not meant to be broken.

chicklet 13 years ago

i wanna steal your fox…. would that be so wrong??