We need to make some sort of contest. That's all I can say. Summer break is coming up, and definitely, we need a contest. Else we just sit there aimlessly making games. With a contest, we can sit there, aimfully making games
What sort of contest? I don't know. So post ideas for a contest an lets see if the mods pick it up.I've got tons of spare time, so I wouldn't mind being a judge *whistle*
Well that was easy =P
And everyone who posted in this blog begging for a contest is disqualified.
||/<font color="#FFFFFF">Just Kidding</font><=/||Boo! Hiss! *deletes all posts, copies and pasted to throwaway account, and smiles, with an innocent look on his face.
hehe, yay! Finally a contest I can ENTER because I'm not a staff member.
id be a judge, but then i wouldnt be in the contest, and that wouldnt b cool lol
I like the 'Best AI' idea, but that maybe because i've spent a large portion of the last month screwing with complex AI algorithms.
Y'know, if you highlight in between all my arrows in my post, it says "just kidding".