Nearing Release

Posted by DesertFox on Feb. 9, 2012, 3:01 a.m.

Fighting with enemies.

That is all.

Okay, not really. I've got a bit of text here to go with that picture. My iOS game is nearing something releasable. What have I got left to do on it? Well, superweapons, implementing some new enemies, bosses, and level design.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I started working on this project again? I could swear I did somewhere…

I've implemented a bunch of new things that weren't in the Android version (RIP). One of the best is a different level file system and structure. Its cool because levels come in little campaign packs and automatically proceed until the end, making it really easy to do something like multiple level sets. I decided to make all of the level files with XML, and its turned out really well because I can give any movement and weapon type to any enemy, or spawn enemies according to simple patterns. Also, movement modifiers, such as horizontal waving, or circling clockwise and stuff really adds to the game. It gives finer control over the level design and is way better than having each enemy have only one given movement pattern or patterns based on starting position. Now I can easily have enemies come up from the bottom, or in from the sides.

Not sure when it's going to be finished, but until then, enjoy!

A screencapture video I took a few days ago of the game (via simulator and accelerometer hack), before I added in all of the nice HUD elements, movement patterns, and movement modifiers. You can see me blowing up a bunch of enemies, grabbing a powerup, using missiles, and at the very end testing the 'flinching' that occurs when you get hit.

Skip to 0:30 if you just want to get to the gameplay. No audio because that got screwed up.


Moikle 13 years ago

do want. I will buy this and force all my friends to as well

JID 13 years ago

Looks fantastical.

Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

Looks great, DF. Looking forward to it :)

Kunedon 13 years ago

It is a shoot'em up, so it already captures my interest.

Alert Games 13 years ago

Looks pretty good :D

KaBob799 13 years ago

My =D didn't show up D=

Kamira 13 years ago

I want D:

sirxemic 13 years ago
Iluvfuz 13 years ago

I love the design! Perhaps a bit too heavy on the early tutorial messages though, although it's a step up from a dull in-game help page.

svf 13 years ago