Thats right, this is the "Blogblogblogblogblog"! In other news, I am bored. I lost my StratAI file somehow, and now have to start over, since I had something good going. The wonderful news is I can build it again easily, and have already re-implemented the run and hide function, as well as the "stay out of view if hiding" function. Now I have to rebuild: peeking out, peeking out and shooting, if an obstacle is too far rush the player while gunning, if a player gets to near while hiding, the spot is marked as unhideable, and other stuff.
I've been playing Tribes, and have created major pWnz0r4g3! Thats right, pWnz0r4g3! 42 kills in a game where the second closest person was 22! Tribes Paintball is fun!Graduation creeps closer and closer.I think Gamehippo needs some more reviewers.Ants Go marching
Heh, I'm good friends Captain Ventris from game hippo. :P
puLse, I can't read that :(
Remember, whispering is case sensitive. Can a mod whisper what he said to me?Might be a chance it just says "You are not being whispered to.
Ahhh graduation!! DxThanks Melee!
You are not being whispered at.
heh pretty cool game you got there with the ants.