Coming soon is somthing I've started today, completely from scratch, and have been working furiously on all day. It will be the ultimate helper for 2d games! What it will be able to do is create vertex-based polygons, create stick-figures, morph them, export to bmp files, export to 6.1 primitives files, and more!
Current functions that it can do are "Select" "Create Node" "Delete Node" "Connect" "Move" "Rotate" "Select Line Thickness" and "Select Line Color"All in all, it's a hell of a lot of coding. But it's ordering it correctly that is a pain. I've only made two objects, and used a hell of a lot of ds_lists to keep track of them all.A screenie:
Heh, that actually sounds neat DesertFox.
*sigh* I just wish I knew how to make sub-menus. Would look really, really nice.
Cool, maybe you should include a smooth command using bezier splines
Ah! I've have to incorporate the bezier splines example into it! Hmmm. That's something I'd have to look into.
Looks awesome, can't wait for source.