Shazaam! Found my thumbdrive at school - never EVER leave a thumbdrive in a place that is inaccessable 4 months out of 12.
And I've got my 1000th hit badge - we need a 1st 1000 users badge - now that we are over 1000 :PThat, and I've had the 4 examples badge for about 6 days, and it shows that I only have 3 examples. I guess it's in the backlog of 64D.Yay I get to work on VerTech, and I've applied for a job at: Gamestop, Domino's, Hastings (like Blockbuster, only better), Starbucks, and Subway (eat fresh!) - I hope to get a job at one of them, if all else fails I will definitely get a Domino's job because they had only one guy working on that shift when I went there, and he said they badly needed more people.I need to complete another game. The bronze 2-game badge sticks out like a sore thumb. The red badge looks like the bronze badge too much, JakeX needs to change it.
Great job finding it! If only I could find my three missing ones…
And also good job with 1000 hits! I'm getting there…sorta. And I'm job-hunting as well…Everyone Knows what hastings is.
Duh!If you live in Texas.
California people would be like "Wut?"I didn't know what is Hastings.
Also, it is good to get a job, amkes you get off da pc.