Pixelworld 2, Streetfighter, a Missing Badge, and New Banner

Posted by DesertFox on May 30, 2006, 2:09 p.m.

Whispering to a friend!

According to luda, I am officially a "badge-crazed wannabe"; this may or may not have to do with my new banner…

Pixelworld 2 is now bordering 60% completeness, leaving only most of the room design, and a pause screen complete with map.

VerTech is on hold, cause I want to finish Pixelworld 2, and it appears that the "Good behavior" badge has disappeared.

Only 28 hits until that special number

Also, I've found a friend here, streetfighter, an alltogether great guy; loves games.

No funny errors pictures today, though I'll tell of one. A couple of years back, someone unplugged my keyboard, and when it started up, it said "Keyboard not detected; press any key to continue". Pretty dumb error message, eh? Well, it was all in DOS, so it wouldn't have made a good screenshot, anyways…

Oh, and melee keeps changing some of my comments to "All hail melee"…


Requiem 18 years, 4 months ago

You wish you had Mad Badge Skillz like I do.

DesertFox 18 years, 4 months ago

[revert] I might just do that.

[JakeX] Of course!

streetfighter 18 years, 4 months ago

people are dumb it is official i am goiong to move to another country with no eletricty and become a hermit