I got my 1337th hit today, got a picture.
I also just got back from a 13 mile bike ride mostly uphill into 15 mph winds. I'm so tired.Pixelworld 2 draws near to completion. If anyone wants to give suggestions for Pixelworld 2, please give them.My latest useless (or not) invention is:Surreptitious Bumperstickerator *Slap* A small device, mounted under the front of your bumper, loaded with bumper stickers. Inch close to the driver in front of you and press the red button.A padded mechanical arm reaches out, applies a bumper sticker, and quietly retracts, leaving the other driver none the wiser.Comes pre-loaded with your choice of stickers, ranging from "Honk if you love Jesus" to "My kid can beat up your honor student", and everything in between.
What fun I could have with one of those.
i am crazy horse! YEHA!!!!!!!!
jk.Pfft… 1337 hits….I have over… 3000!(I got hit 3001)lol, updates.
Updates Are Ready xD