I need beta testers for VerTech v0.7 - PM me in the GMC if interested
Great - I have to re-write the whole thing. Oh well.I definitely hope that FSX fixes my file manager problem today like he said he would - then I could upload version 0.7 of VerTech. Hence the Yells of Agony and Hope. V0.7 is much much better than the original release. A few people have tested v0.7 and given very useful feedback. They are shadowstrike32, takua108, cocopuffs, and melee-master.Hah! I googled "VerTech", and my GMC topic was the 14th post. The rest was a bunch of watches.And Hah! I'm my own favorite user! :PI also had to help clean out a nasty pool left uncared for since last fall. It had in it: snakes, frogs, rotting wet leaves, mud, algae, and scum. It was horribly nasty. But it is now clean.Just point out random stuff.Here's a nice sample of my help file for VerTech v0.7, which I am trying to make as professional as possible - I have been asked twice where I got VerTech.
Quote: VerTech Animation Software Help File
VerTech Animation Software
v0.7VerTech Animation Software V 0.7Copyright ©2006 by Chris Dillinger - All Rights ReservedVerTech Animation Software is the intellectual property of Chris Dillinger and may not be sold or distributed without express permission of the author. Manipulation, decompiling, editing, or otherwise altering this application in any way by anyone other than myself without express written consent is prohibited by law.Table of ContentsSection 1: List of Features By VersionSection 2: InstructionsSection 3: Future plansSection 1List of features by versionFeatures of v0.5Creation, deletion, connection, movement, and rotation of nodes. No complex scripts as of yet.Features of v0.6Added scaling, a few buttons, started working on the menu, used primitives for the thick lines instead of drawing a bunch of lines (tons faster).Features of v0.7A nice menu is working, plus all of the "General Mode" Buttons. Also, polygon creation has been added. Added preferences, which are toggle grid, axis, and nodes; change grid color; and change background color.Section 2:InstructionsBasic instructions: Right-click to bring up the menu - then select the desired action.Move - moves nodes - select nodes, then select moveCreate - creates nodes - creates a free-node, unless other nodes are selected, then it creates a node with connections to the selected node.Delete - deletes selected nodesConnect - connects nodes - first select child nodes; nodes will turn blue when selected, then right-click and select "Select Parent Nodes" and select more nodes.; then select connect. It will connect each child node to each parent node. - A better, easier connection method is planned for the next version.Rotate - select rotate, choose nodes, right click, then choose the center of rotation; rotate to desired position, then left click.Scale - select scale, choose nodes, right click, then choose the center of scaling; scale to desired factor, then left click.Create polygon - select the center of the polygon, enter desired number of sides, then rotate to desired orientation.The buttons on the left above the lines are main-mode buttons - they allow different actions. The buttons below are mode buttons, and allow actions such as move, create node, delete node (etc.), and currently only support general main-mode buttons. Further support is planned for the next version.Hotkeys:Space - deselects nodes'N' turns node visibility on an offCtrl + A - selects all nodesOther hotkeys are plannedSection 3:Future PlansNext version should incorporate saving and loading (hopefully), duplication, mirroring, chain-connection, other main-mode buttons, a bettor connection script, and maybe a few hotkeys.Future plans are - multiple frames, saving animations, a better save system other than "game_save", and possibly saving as a primitive script though I don't know how to do that if you have branching structures.The title font was created by www.larabiefonts.com, and is free to use for personal and commercial purposes
Loooong text.
Short comment.
Even shorter.
But seriously, I'll betatest.
Send me a PM at the GMC, I'll send a link. My username there is, of course, DesertFox.
Yeah, I'll beta test. PM coming right up :D
PM recieved, beta v0_6 sent!
And I just uploaded my menu bar example - I may make an even better one once I finish VerTech.