phi upon you, devil. That's right, the greek letter phi - frat-boys will hunt you for eternity.
The date, hah, is NOT 6/6/6!
Really, it is 6/6/06, or better yet, 06/06/06.
So I sent frat-boys to attack the devil.
The community level 28 badge is the same as the reputation stars.
I have recently taken to writing a health-bar example - it has rectangles, zelda-style,circles, a thing with a turning needle, and more - but I need ideas.
Here's a sample:

I'm going to write a bunch of examples for no reason.
The file manager, alas, has not been fixed for me by firestormx - it has now been about a week. Someone wake him up.
I all of a sudden have a lime-green heart. I gave the Ciribot a FoxBadge. Why? Because.
I'm thinking about making a website for VerTech, and maybe trademarking the name. My VerTech was the 14th hit when I google vertech, and the rest were a bunch of swiss watches. I may trademark the name.
What? Did you really expect me to create a completely different star sprite?
No, I'm just saying…now that someone knows…its weird. XD
those health bars look neat. I made some circular ones ages ago, but never thought to release them as an example.
You should see them in action, marbs. They move real smooth.
06/06/06 is 6/6/2006…. not 06/06/06…. the month and the day only have a zero beofre them to make them fit on things because the numbers go to 12 and 31 (respectively) …
so no, it's not 666… but that isn't because of the day or the month.