I beat JaxeX and his BladeX with my Kusari Gama - and I idn't die too much, either. My kusari can do 666 holy damage. Ironic, isn't it. I've got pictures. I'm uploading them.
When I beat him I got 777 digits and about 27000 exp. Woot. He started with pretty much full health, too.

Rhys ultimately bashed my
ds_list example, giving it a score of about a 3 - all because it didn't help him. I didn't design it to help an experienced coder. He didn't stop to think "Maybe someone new to GML will get confused about ds_lists, and straightening things out would help" he just rated it low. It's the same way I was taught all sorts of data structures by my AP Comp Sci II teacher. It works very well.
Of couse, the next comment was a very nice comment from Kenon, about how it helped him understand. So that was good.
I've got a kusari gama, Attack: 447-666 (Holy) so muahaha, ph34r me.
I was fighting Shadowstrike32, when I got enough to buy it, and I did. He had been whaling on me with his axe, and all I had was a stick. So I bought the kusari gama, and in chat ss32 was "WTF! ! What ws that!?!?" and REZ was "O_o" Thats MY weapon!!!!!!!!! :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:"
I'm gonna work on Pixelworld 2 today. And I'm gonna make a skidmark example using primitives and ds_lists.
And my friend is coming over today.
dumb error gah - fix the extra parenthesis,please?
*runs around like a idiot*:finger:
That was my ciriboting dream weapon I made it for myself. I now have no chance of getting one cus' now, everyone has a powerful weapon and 12647641864189743891 hp. :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:This RPG is in favor for everyone but me. >_>Kenon cheated.GIMMEH A FOXXOR BADGE!!!
[lie]What? I don't give them out, I swear………..[/lie]
[REZ's mother]YEA RIGHT![/REZ's mother]
[chiken's two fathers]Sure![/chiken's two fathers]
[ChIkEn and REZ's three sisters]What?[/ChIkEn and REZ's three sisters]
(What? Whaaaaat? Mothers and fathers were lready taken…)