Hah! In chat, we were all at babelfish, and chatting in like 5 different languages!
I was "Stark lachen! Aller Sie saugen! Alle Ihre Unterseiten gehören uns!"and hootie was "I Sie besitzen! Hah! Die anderen können nicht uns verstehen!"and REZ was saying something in Arabic, but no-one could find another translator!Then leemcd56 said "Là un poisson humide est-il dans votre poche, et qui est venu d'abord, le poulet ou l'oeuf "gamerman was just WTF! ???theonlywonderboy was doing "您可以推測, 我講中文? 插入詛咒詞這裡!"gamerman was still WTF and leemcd56 was saying "Limones! ¡Salchichas! ¡Huevos y leche! ¡Sr. Bean!"So I said "Ihre Mutter war ein Hamster und Ihr Vater, die von den Holunderbeeren gerochen wurden!" and switched to russian and said "Беседа к мне теперь!" to which hootie_hoo replied "Niemand kann jedes jetzt verstehen!" and REZ got angry and said STFU all English speakers move to the basement.And so it disintegrated.It was fun!До следующего времени, этим blog не сидеть здесь и будет первый вход на мой список. Я надеюсь это будет confusing, и перво персоны для того чтобы перевести весь вход в выигрыши английской языка приз!
At least you weren't talking about the RPG…Or were you in a different language?*shifty eyes*I was probably the only one in there, 15% german. =/
I'm 50% German-Danish
Oh. *walks away*
*follows REZ*
Not that the post has anything to do with me, but I'm 25% German-Dutch.
I don't speak German though, the closest thing I speak is a bit of Latin.
I was the one who said STFU! [>>]
i was the one wondering wtf are they talking about.
oh yea [=D]