Beta Tester and VerTech

Posted by DesertFox on June 15, 2006, 10:15 p.m.

Next version of VerTech is almost ready to release. I have finished the screenshot and preview system, and save system. Now I just need to make a load system, and a multiple frame system, which will be easy since I can base them from the save system.

Someone asked why I was making the save system first. I just looked at them. You can't load if you haven't saved anything.

And Kenon has chosen me as a beta tester for his program. Unfortunately, I can't get to a link for his demo! It says I have 1 new message, it is from Kenon, but I can't get to it!

Can you whisper me a link, Kenon?

I've hit my 100th mile bike riding today - whee for me!


Kenon 18 years, 4 months ago

streetfighter 18 years, 4 months ago

all the bike riding is making me tired