Citizens Unite!

Posted by DesertFox on July 3, 2012, 10:06 p.m.

Citizens unite! Unite against the tyranny of the mods! Of the administrators! They hold all the power, and lord it over us as if we were mere peons! Those bastards! Oh wait, these are my 'In case of user uprising' cue cards. >_> Ignore that.

I've been so very busy lately, and today I wondered how things are in 64digitslandia, so I decided to pop in and blog for a bit, see how the citizens are doing, quell any riots, such forth.

So what is what? iPad is what! Despite being an iOS developer, I've always been 'meh, iPads are cool but I'd rather use my laptop'. I was wrong, iPads are awesome and I can't believe I didn't get one earlier. I've installed a bunch of stuff on it, and now its my email, video player, interweb surfer, and kind-of games player.

Furthermore, I got car insurance! I bought my car from family, and it was insured for a bunch of months so I didn't have to pay, but that ran out so I had to get my own insurance. However, because of my perfect driving record and the fact that I went with the same agency it was already insured by, its only 65$ a month! Hurrah!

Also, I had an awesome weekend. Why? Weeeeelll… Hold on, let me go get something out of the closet. My boyfriend *le gasp, for those who didn't already know* visited after six months of not seeing each other. Ah, there we go.

It was in planning for a long time, and when he got here it was like 'screw the plans!' and we did random things. To summarize, we saw two movies (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, and Brave), went down to Austin and went tubing (took all day), went mall-wandering, bought things, went book shopping, bought books, and did stuff.

You don't realize how much you miss someone until you have them back, and when you do, its nice to be able to hold them in your arms as you fall asleep. I'm sad that he's gone again, but am very happy to have had him back for the time that he was here. So it was a very good weekend indeed.


Toast 12 years, 3 months ago

not surprised about how disappointed I was
I fully understand why I'm so confused by this phrase.

Castypher 12 years, 3 months ago

It's all about expectations.
Well said. Same reason everyone was so upset with Diablo 3; they set their expectations too high. As for me, having never played any of the Diablo games, I found it quite enjoyable aside from a few little quirks.

LAR Games 12 years, 3 months ago

I've been hearing a lot about Abe Lincoln being a vampire hunter lately. What's up with that?

Ferret 12 years, 3 months ago

Lol glad toast caught that.

Yeah, no I am pessimistic about most things, especially movies, but I was just really sad that they missed a truely awesome moment to make something bad ass. The biggest problem with the film is that it tried to cover Abe's entire life and it tried to be dramatic. It really should have avoided the Civil War as much as possible, and made it sort of like a batman deal, where in the day he's a president in a war-torn country, and at night he's a badass vampire hunter.

firestormx 12 years, 3 months ago

That bit about the ipad is disgusting. :(

Also, you're taken? :(

Also, what car did you get? Is it a good one? I hope it's not better than mine. ;(

DesertFox 12 years, 3 months ago

That bit about the ipad is disgusting. :(

Also, you're taken? :(

Also, what car did you get? Is it a good one? I hope it's not better than mine. ;(

stfu ipad is awesome.

Yep, taken. His name is Ben and he's very good for curling up and snuggling with.

2000 Volvo S70 - hood needs repainting but is in otherwise excellent repair.

firestormx 12 years, 3 months ago

Have you held an android device before?

The touch screen devices suffer from the same problems as iOS products (eg, the fucking awful keyboard), but it's sooo much better.

Also, I had no idea you were gay, but I'm not surprised.

…And that's not even because you are an iOS developer.

Now I can't get the image of you being, like, a younger, hipster, less-hair-on-the-chest, bear, out of my head.

I've got a 2000 Civic SI, which is also in excellent repair. Your car is better than mine, because you can expect a civic to keep running, but damn, for a Volvo to be going after 12 years…

DesertFox 12 years, 3 months ago

Have you held an android device before?

The touch screen devices suffer from the same problems as iOS products (eg, the fucking awful keyboard), but it's sooo much better.

I have had an android phone for 2 years. Too slow and buggy for my taste. Android however does have a lot going for it (widgets, modifiability, openness), but they need to work on their hardware (iOS devices have a better haptic sensor than any android devices I've used - less input lag and higher touch precision) and suffer from inconsistent implementation across various hardware.. Also, if only Android had gone with C++ rather than Java :( The mobile java running on Android is slow and buggy.

firestormx 12 years, 3 months ago

Have you had the Galaxy S2 or S3? I don't find any lag with them. I never was one for haptic sensors either.

iOS devices (all, like, 3 of them - I don't consider any ipod other than the touch an "iOS" device =P) are built along side the OS, and that does make them much better for what they're made to do, but an OS is one of the (few) things that I can't stand "settling" for. If I hate the iOS keyboard, I want to be able to change it, for example.

But as long as you love the idea, android can only get better. Eventually, they'll be able to run non-Java apps, and you'll be forced to stop developing for iOS.

Unless it gets worse, I suppose.

DesertFox 12 years, 3 months ago

Galaxy S, the first one.

If I hate the iOS keyboard, I want to be able to change it, for example.

Jailbreaking will let you do that :D I'm just A) too lazy and B) need a stock OS for testing purposes.