Where the Fox Have I Been?

Posted by DesertFox on Aug. 2, 2012, 5:24 p.m.

Excuse the terrible title pun. I don't regret it at all :3

SO you may or may not have noticed my elusiveness this last month or so. I've been on IRC a little bit, but especially these last three weeks I've not even really talked on chat or anything! However, there is a reason for this!

That reason is…

Shark week! And sharks!

As most of you know, I am an iOS developer at Bottlerocket, a Dallas-based mobile app development company. Now, I can't really say what I've been working on (has to wait for release) but it involved Discovery and Shark Week. I was project lead on this, and so I had a team of people to help out. It was my first real experience as a team leader, and learning to delegate tasks was interesting. I could always fall back on the team lead (my immediate boss) for help or advice, so it wasn't scary or anything. It was a heck of a lot of work, though, and the last week I clocked 80 long, long hours of coding. We all pitched in like that so despite the long hours, because of an excellent team, we made our deadline.

One of the things I found quite funny while working on the project was that people kept tweeting 'its shark week! #sharkweek!', even though shark week doesn't start until the 12th of August. It took everyone a little bit to realize that normally it would be Shark Week, but that it got pushed back because of the Olympics.

Anyway, as a thank you for our hard work, our team got a bit of free Shark Week swag, including awesome t-shirts. The guys from Discovery that we worked with were pretty cool, and I wouldn't mind meeting them some day. Not only that, but I (and others on the team) essentially got mandatory time off this week because of it! Hurrah!

My friend Mark has gotten me to start listening to Neon Trees, and now one of their songs is stuck in my head. Also, symphonic rock is weird. We're going to see Batman in a few days (any spoilers in this blog will get +8 warn >_>)

I bought like an absolute ton of video games due to Steam's summer sale, including the Hitman set, and the Red Faction set. Mmmmm vidya games.

About a month and a half ago, I realized that I'd gained 10 lbs since I started working at Bottlerocket. I decided to lose some weight, and I've since lost 15 lbs. Honestly, I don't know what people are complaining about when they say losing weight is hard, or expensive, or any one of the other reasons people give for not losing weight. I just started tracking my food/exercise intake using this nifty iPad app called MyFitnessPal which has an impressive database of food nutritional content, and even a barcode scanner. Now, some people could say 'You need an iPad for that, which makes it expensive!' to which I say, bullshit. There are websites and Android apps for that too, and you can also use a regular, old-fashioned paper and pencil.

Also, does anyone else think that mushrooms are kinda creepy?


JuurianChi 12 years, 6 months ago

Mushrooms are crazy.

That's a pretty excellent job you have there, an example for any of the moobs here that complain about working in retail and the like.

Kamira 12 years, 6 months ago

We're going to see Batman in a few days (any spoilers in this blog will get +8 warn >_>)

Batman fights people. Also, Bruce Wayne is Batman.

Kunedon 12 years, 6 months ago

Bruce Wayne is Batman.

Mushrooms are pretty disturbing.

Polystyrene Man 12 years, 6 months ago

Mushrooms are only ever good, so long as you don't eat a deadly one.

Rob 12 years, 6 months ago

We're going to see Batman in a few days (any spoilers in this blog will get +8 warn >_>)

phantomedit: hurr hurr a reference to the shooting

Cesque 12 years, 6 months ago

I'm sorry Rob, but that doesn't even make sense.

The font choice on Bottlerocket's website made me think they were a clothing retailer.

JuurianChi 12 years, 6 months ago

Just when you think Rob can't stoop any lower.
The only thing I see wrong is that fact that it's the most boring image to come out of these jokes.

It makes sense.

And it's not stooping low.

It's just boring.

:points out the milk mustache:

Why did they even use that image?

Cesque 12 years, 6 months ago

So, uh… how does that make sense? How is that a "spoiler"?

Why did they even use that image?

…yeah, and why the fuck is the picture from the milk campaign, anyway?

flashback 12 years, 6 months ago

We're going to see Batman in a few days (any spoilers in this blog will get +8 warn >_>)
It's like Christmas!

JuurianChi 12 years, 6 months ago

I'm gonna spoil it anyway!

Here I goooo.