Crazy Fox Community Fotoblawg

Posted by DesertFox on Dec. 13, 2012, 4:37 p.m.

Time for me to blog again! He is aliiiiive!!! I am not a zombie fox D:<

What does this mean for you? More science? More money? Or more bacon? Screw it, more science. Or pictures. Lets do that instead! Pictures and a madlib!

In short, it has been a while since we did a 'hey what does everyone look like now' blog, and recently in IRC we were being all 'hay guis check out may desk with computers!!!1!!10101010' (complete with maximum 13375p34k) (but not really) and because of this I thought we'd do another consolidated blog.



Take a picture of yourself, followed by a picture of your desktop/workstation as is. Cheesy photoshopping is allowed, if you want. Then post it here. Shitty camera? Doesn't matter to us! Post it anyway! Then, help flll out a 64digits-themed community madlib by providing a word or more from the following categories:

Noun (6)

Plural Noun (2)

Adjective (7)

Verb (3)

Present-tense verb (2)

Past-tense verb (6)

Body part (2)

Number (1)

Clothing item (1)

Username (1) (has to be an active and well known user)

Color (1)

Technobabble buzzword noun (1)

I'll post the complete madlib in a few days on my next blog. Words will be chosen randomly from their categories, but please try to use a word category that is not yet completely filled. You may list up to three words, and make sure you mention which category.

Additionally, duplicate words (synonyms included) are allowed, but capped at three. Any more will be removed from the word pool.

I'll start.

Here is a picture of me:

Here is a picture of my workstation:

No photoshop, and no madlib words from me since I'm the one who will be making the madlib.


DesertFox 11 years, 10 months ago

Axiomatic Spaceman sounds like an indie band name or something, but in a good way.

sirxemic 11 years, 10 months ago

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, sounds like the name of a ska band.

Ferret 11 years, 10 months ago

I don't have a camera :(

sirxemic 11 years, 10 months ago

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 10 months ago

That FSX…

That's some nightmare fuel, right there.

sirxemic 11 years, 10 months ago

firestormx 11 years, 10 months ago

Oh, and firestormx, do you really fap so much that you have to have a box of tissues on your desk at all times.

inb4 "allergies" or some bullshit excuse.

Yes. Also I blow my nose a lot, and wipe my mouth when I eat at my desk. Additionally, the pistols have moving parts, and thus they get greased. When I take them apart, I wipe them down, do my work, and re-grease them. I could use a rag, but why do that when I have tissue for everything else?

@pounce: Awesome! I had the exact same computer 10 years ago!
Oh burn.

I don't have a camera :(
I can put up some of the pictures I've taken of you.

Xemic: How bored are you? T_T

Everyone's desks are so much cleaner than they should be, and half of you have such a tiny desks and monitors.

eagly 11 years, 10 months ago

This am I:

This are my workspace:

Body part: Left leg (in, left leg out, do the hokey cokey and turn around)

sirxemic 11 years, 10 months ago

Xemic: How bored are you? T_T
Yes, I should be crying, since I should have been doing something more important for which I have a deadline this monday T_T